Saturday, November 3, 2012

Public Records Reveal Romney Profited From Corruption, Fraud, and Racketeering at Bain

Public Records Reveal Romney Profited From Corruption, Fraud, and Racketeering at Bain

It sounds like what we have in Lane County, Oregon Criminal Officials, who are arresting minorities, people of color for profiting the Jail, Sherif Dept. with the EPD. Such as the previous D.A Harcorleroad, the Bank-robber Bob Ackerman, County Administrator Van Vactor, who is the campaign manager for Prozanski, the rest of unscrupulous County Commissioners, Jim Torrey, Piercy!  Both of the previous A.G. Dave Forhmeyer, Hardy Meyers, colluding & covering up for Ackerman fraudulent crimes, with Margaret Hallock!!


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