Thursday, January 31, 2013

Netanyahu's re-election threatens Israel's identity as Jewish state

Make it Possible

OUTFRONT: Critics Call Coke's Super Bowl Ad Racist (VIDEO) ROLAND

OUTFRONT: Critics Call Coke's Super Bowl Ad Racist (VIDEO) | Roland...

Thanks for the people who see the right from wrong!!! I've been always rejecting the fact to have sugary drinks in the Schools. When I ran for the 4 J school Board in 2005 against Eric Forrest: Now I'm defiantly asking all Arabs & Muslim to Boycott Coca Cola!! Enough is enough is enough of this propaganda against Arabs!!

Lauren Booth-Genocide Memorial Day 1213

Lauren Booth - Genocide Memorial Day 2012

British police neglect trafficked women

British police neglect trafficked women

Dozens reported injured as blast rocks Mexican state oil company

Dozens reported injured as blast rocks Mexican state oil company's...

Israel Attacks Syria- John A. Rand

Israel Attacks Syria - John A. Rand

Open City Council Seat Draws Major Attention....and Donations

Open City Council seat draws major attention . . . and donations

Hey, Hey, Barack! What Do You Say? How Many Kids Have You Killed Today?

Hey, Hey, Barack! What Do You Say? How Many Kids Have You Killed Today?

CAIR: Ca. Community Forum In Response to Offensive Muni Ads

Tonight: #CAIR-CA Community Forum in Response to Offensive Muni Ads

Catch CAIR's national executive director, Nihad Awad, on the O'Reilly Factor tonight at 8 and 11 on Fox News. He'll be talking about a Coke ad for the Super Bowl that some consider to be insulting to Arabs.

CAIR: Welcome Catholic Groups's Decision to Drop Anti-Islam Speaker

CAIR Welcomes Catholic Group's Decision to Drop Anti-Islam Speaker

AAIUSA: George Bisharat: Palestine Should Take Israel to Cout In the Hugue

New York Times Op-Ed: Israel Should Be Tried in International...

For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

Facebook Admits Powerless Young Users

Facebook admits it is powerless to stop young users setting up...

With all that FB (and Google and the entire internet) knows about us ... they still can't confirm one's age.

Palestine/South Bay/ Anti-War/Police State and Prisons

Palestine | South Bay | Anti-War | Police State and Prisons

Arab-American Groups Calling Coca-Cola Super Bowel Ad Racist


Arab-American groups calling Coca-Cola Super Bowl ad racist
What happens when you mix a thirsty group of cowboys, a bus full of showgirls, maniacal Mad Max characters and an Arab walking camels through a desert? The folks at Coca-Cola call it a commercial. Arab-American groups, however, call it racist, according

AAIUSA: Chuck Hagel Confirmation Hearing

On The Reel with Tiara Williams Episode.101

Cancer Deaths Third Higher In Men Than Women In UK

Cancer Deaths Third Higher In Men Than Women In UK

Genes Related To Aggressive Endometrial Cancer Identified

Genes Related To Aggressive Endometrial Cancer Identified

Free Terrence Kimble

Workers and community members win back missing wages

Israeli jets bomb military target in Syria - KMPH FOX 26 | Central San Joaquin Valley News Source

Israeli jets bomb military target in Syria - KMPH FOX 26 | Central San Joaquin Valley News Source

Israeli jets bomb military target in Syria - KMPH FOX 26 | Central San Joaquin Valley News Source

Israeli jets bomb military target in Syria - KMPH FOX 26 | Central San Joaquin Valley News Source

Israeli jets bomb military target in Syria - KMPH FOX 26 | Central San Joaquin Valley News Source

Israeli jets bomb military target in Syria - KMPH FOX 26 | Central San Joaquin Valley News Source

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

School Recites Pledge in Arabic, One Nation Under Allah?

School Recites Pledge in Arabic, One Nation Under Allah?

Salam- The forgotten genius

Salam – The forgotten genius

#MyJihad Is To Not Let Others Dictate What Muslims Are – OpEd

#MyJihad Is To Not Let Others Dictate What Muslims Are – OpEd



Dr. Oz Viciously Attacks Organic Foods and Farmers Markets

Trans-Pacific Partnership threatens regime of corporate global governance

Without Evidence (Trailer)

Oregonian's Sense of 'News Judgement' - Deaf, Dumb and Indifferent to Racism

#Horrid, and Lane county is mentioned------

"The Lane County court tried to convict Kimble of first degree Rape, but the victim, as it turns out... according to a medical exam, was 'intact' and had never participated in any sex act. So they got Kimble on 'Sex Abuse' and gave him 19 years, even though a DNA test cleared him of the crime. Yup, welcome to Orygun as they like to say, the biggest closet racist state in the union.

Muslims and Christians United

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Iraq


New study sheds light on the origin of the European Jewish population

New study sheds light on the origin of the European Jewish population

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

News From The Journal Of Clinical Investigation: Jan. 25, 2013

News From The Journal Of Clinical Investigation: Jan. 25, 2013

Israeli soldier shoots blindfolded and handcuffed Palestinian man at poi...

White House Sites/Why Now is the Tim full

Channel Story

U.S. Lets Naturalized Terrorists, Spies Keep Citizenship | Judicial Watch

U.S. Lets Naturalized Terrorists, Spies Keep Citizenship | Judicial Watch

Lynda Burstein Brayer: The Gift of the Other – Why I Do Not Want to Leave Palestine/Israel

Lynda Burstein Brayer: The Gift of the Other – Why I Do Not Want to Leave Palestine/Israel

New Jersey Muslims Respond to NYPD’s Attempt to Dismiss Discriminatory Spying Case

New Jersey Muslims Respond to NYPD’s Attempt to Dismiss Discriminatory Spying Case

10 Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux

10 Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux

Paul Krugman: Republicans Contradict Themselves With Latest Tax Proposal

Israel's 'Great Book Robbery' unravelled - Features - Al Jazeera English

Israel's 'Great Book Robbery' unravelled - Features - Al Jazeera English

US & Israel's Nuclear Secrets | Think Tank

13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil

13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil

Top Conservatives Run PAC That Funded White Nationalists

Top Conservatives Run PAC That Funded White Nationalists

GOP Needs inclusive tone beyond immigration reform- Politics The

GOP needs inclusive tone beyond immigration reform - Politics - The...

Jan 29 Panel: Making the Connections, Organizing for Change

Jan 29 Panel: Making the Connections, Organizing for Change

Explosion at Fordow: Israeli propaganda or Iran’s biggest secret?

Explosion at Fordow: Israeli propaganda or Iran’s biggest secret?

You enterng Sharia law Britain As Islamic Extremists declare Sharia law Zone London Suburb worrying social moral implication

Release Of First Guidelines For Brain Amyloid Imaging In Alzheimer's

Release Of First Guidelines For Brain Amyloid Imaging In Alzheimer's

Monday, January 28, 2013

Five reason why women say they aren't feminists

Five reasons why women say they aren't feminists

In Your Grandmother's womb: The egg that made you.

 In your grandmother's womb: The egg that made you.

A Blowback Hurricane

A Blowback Hurricane

Man Detained by TSA for Having 4th Amendment Written on Naked Chest Wins Case

Why every U.S. city is like a Brazilian nightclub inferno with no exits for the masses

Why every U.S. city is like a Brazilian nightclub inferno with no exits for the masses

Bipartisan Senate Group Release Immigration Platform

Bipartisan Senate Group Releases Immigration Platform

Pacbi/ Etemplate

Belgian MP LAURENT LOUIS stands against war in Mali and exposes the inte...

Islam, Muslims & Finland ~ Suomalainen - Viesti Korppikotkille

Only Three Choices for Afghan Endgame: Compromise, Conflict, or Collapse | Common Dreams

Only Three Choices for Afghan Endgame: Compromise, Conflict, or Collapse | Common Dreams

Obama's drone attacks will come back to bite America

Letter Islam

Letter: Islam

No guns for negroes

From the Desk of Lilly Ledbetter, January 2013

From the Desk of Lilly Ledbetter, January 2013

U.S. Plans Base for Surveillance Drones in Northwest Africa

U.S. Plans Base for Surveillance Drones in Northwest Africa

Office Working to Close Guantánamo Is Shuttered

Ask the White Guy: Why Do People Get Tired of Diversity?

New Iraq abuse allegations against UK troops - Europe - Al Jazeera English

New Iraq abuse allegations against UK troops - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Ask the White Guy: Why Do People Get Tired of Diversity?

Ask the White Guy: Why Do People Get Tired of Diversity?

Breaking US Jewish Leaders Apologize for USS Liberty

Breaking: US Jewish Leaders Apologize for USS Liberty, Promise Not...

Zarook M.C. M: "It is not in the vocabulary of Zionists to apologize for anything they do under the sun. These are chosen people, above all humans. How can they apologize to a GOIM.

Who is a GOIM?

"Derrogatory term that jews use for Christians. Jews believe that the earth was created for them and that Christians are nothing more than beasts that must serve them."

Kerithuth (6b p. 78): "The teaching of the Rabbis is: He who pours oil over a Goi, and over dead bodies is free from punishment. This is true for an animal because it is not a man.(48) But how can it be said that by pouring oil over a Goi one is freed from punishment, since a Goi is also a man? But this is not true, for it is written: Ye are my flock, the flock of my pasture are men (Ezechiel, XXXIV, 31). You are thus called men, but the Goim are not called men."

Sanhedrin (74b) Tosephoth: "The sexual intercourse of a Goi is like to that of a beast."

Kethuboth (3b): "The seed of a Goi is worth the same as that of a beast."

Breaking: US Jewish Leaders Apologize for USS Liberty, Promise Not to Meddle in US Foreign Policy Anymore (But Promises to Shiksas Don’t Count)

Op-ed: Protecting online freedom as the Internet turns 30 | Opinion | The Seattle Times

Op-ed: Protecting online freedom as the Internet turns 30 | Opinion | The Seattle Times

Supreme Court Rules The GOP Can Not Intimidate Minorities from Votting

Supreme Court rules the GOP can not intimidate minorities from voting

U.S. Plans Base for Surveillance Drones in Northwest Africa

U.S. Plans Base for Surveillance Drones in Northwest Africa

Michelle Obama's College Roommate Wanted All White Dorm

CIA Covert Action in the Cold War: Iran, Jamaica, Chile, Cuba, Afghanist...

On 9/11, WTC7 Collapse Was Firemen's Concern (controlled demolition debu...

Penny Harrington

Penny Harrington

NDAA 2013 Propaganda | Think Tank

Shirley Chisholm

Fruitvale, Depiction of Oscar Grant's Last Day of Life, Takes Top Prizes at Sundance Film Festival

Fruitvale, Depiction of Oscar Grant's Last Day of Life, Takes Top Prizes at Sundance Film Festival

Gun-trafficking case in Charlotte may have exposed loopholes in gun laws

Gun-trafficking case in Charlotte may have exposed loopholes in gun laws

Here Are All The Children Murdered By Drone Strikes At The Hands Of Obama

Here Are All The Children Murdered By Drone Strikes At The Hands Of...

Community leader Zead Ramadan throws hat in District 7 City Council race, raises quick bucks Read more:

Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control shots Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control shots Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Snoring Can Affect The Carotid Artery

Snoring Can Affect The Carotid Artery

Snoring Can Affect The Carotid Artery

Snoring Can Affect The Carotid Artery

Comment On This Article

Comment on this article

Why People Think Sandy Hook is A Hoax

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Extremist groups back racism

Extremist groups back racism

Islamists Want no Peace with Israel!!

Here is a letter from one of the Zionists of Eugene! Using the word Islamists!!

Islamists want no peace with Israel

Jack Dresser’s Jan. 19 diatribe against Israel revealed a disturbing acceptance of radical Islamist ideology, the goal of which is to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel. His support of that exterminationist outcome led him to resort to despicable rhetoric, such as comparing the “Israeli occupation” of land won by Israel in its defensive war against Egypt, Jordan and Syria in 1967 to the Nazi assault on the Warsaw ghetto during World War II.

The death toll of Jewish inhabitants in the Warsaw ghetto was at least 300,000, many of whom were deported to the Nazi death camps. The U.S. State Department has weighed in on “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis,” saying it’s anti-Semitic.

Dresser defended Hamas — a misogynist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-Western terrorist organization — for its resistance to the Israeli occupation. The problem is, Hamas and other radical Islamist groups consider all of Israel to be “occupied territory.” Their goal is the de-Zionizing and de-Judaizing of Israel. They reject peace under any condition and vow to use violence to establish an Islamic state in all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel remains a vibrant democracy with a free press and independent judiciary and is a place where freedom of worship is protected for all, including Jews, Muslims and Christians. It’s those values that underlie the special relationship between the United States and Israel that so frustrates local Israel haters.


1 in 5 Children in America Lives in Poverty

SUNDAY MATINEE: 1 in 5 children in America lives in poverty. 

What are their lives really like? 


Formerly Homeless Street Performer Wows Judges With Audition

Formerly Anorexic Teen Stuns Judges with Let It Be

The Dirty Fucking Hippies WERE RIGHT!

Tragedia em santa maria Brazil na boate kiss - cenas fortes ORIGINAL - ...


Dr. Boyce 5 things that Cornel West and Martin Luther King Jr. Have in Commom


Losing my Religion for Equality

At its most repugnant, the belief that women must be subjugated to the wishes of men excuses slavery, violence, forced prostitution, genital mutilation and national laws that omit rape as a crime. But it also costs many millions of girls and women control over their own bodies and lives, and continues to deny them fair access to education, health, employment and influence within their own communities.

Read more:

State of Israel Forced the Sterilization of Ethiopian Woman

State of Israel Forced the Sterilization of Ethiopian Women

"Israel Recognizes its Medical Crimes"

Israel's Ultra-Racist Beitar Jerusalem Football Team in Uproar Over

Israel's ultra-racist Beitar Jerusalem football team in uproar over...

Daily Kos: 'Islamist's' As Coded Language

Daily Kos: 'Islamist' As Coded Language

Chris Hedges: They seek To Subjugate Us All

Chris Hedges: They Seek To Subjugate Us All

Mice With Reduced Caloric Intake Accumulate Longer Telomeres, Reduce Their Incidence Of Cancer, And Are In Better Health

Mice With Reduced Caloric Intake Accumulate Longer Telomeres, Reduce Their Incidence Of Cancer, And Are In Better Health

“Zero Dark Thirty”: The deeper, darker truths

“Zero Dark Thirty”: The deeper, darker truths

Jewish groups apologize for Israeli attack on USS Liberty!!

Jewish groups apologize for Israeli attack on USS Liberty!

Obama Watch: "All government would like to be totalitarian"

Obama Watch: "All governments would like to be totalitarian"

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Anonymous avenges death of Aaron Swartz with takeover of US government judicial website and message of freedom

Anonymous avenges death of Aaron Swartz with takeover of US government judicial website and message of freedom

Russia bridges Middle Eastern divides

Russia bridges Middle Eastern divides

Full Moon Wishes

Full Moon Wishing

Thanks my friend Tim. I wish you all the best of these prayers!!

Israel forces shoot, injured two Gazans

Israeli forces shoot, injure two Gazans

States Considering Laws That Would Make it an Act of Terrorism to Report on Abuses at Factory Farms

States Considering Laws That Would Make it an Act of Terrorism to...

Baking Soda Cancer Cure?

What Happy and Successful Women Know That Miserable Women Don’t

Adoption at Sea: Sperm Whales Take in Outcast Bottlenose Dolphin Read more:

Woman Sues after Date Tries to Murder Her Read more:

 Woman Sues after Date Tries to Murder Her |

The Voice of Palestine

The Voice of Palestine

Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, The Longest War

“Hela Sihila Hiru” Stages Provocative Anti-Muslim Demonstration with Placards and Effigy of “Allah” in North-Western town of Kuliyapitiya

Lane County executives decline pay boost | The move comes as the county considers a public safety levy

Lane County executives decline pay boost | The move comes as the county considers a public safety levy

Muslim Charity Group Teams up with FEMA to Help Sandy Victioms

Hispanic American immigrants increasingly finding home is Islam | PRI.ORG

Hispanic American immigrants increasingly finding home is Islam | PRI.ORG

Link Between Immune Cell Death Defects And Autoimmune Diseases

Link Between Immune Cell Death Defects And Autoimmune Diseases

How the FSA Caused the Yarmouk Palestinian Refugees to Flee their Camp (...

How the FSA Caused the Yarmouk Palestinian Refugees to Flee their Camp (...

City of Haifa .. Palestine in 1933

Islam and science: The road to renewal After centuries of stagnation science is making a comeback in the Islamic world

The road to renewal

After centuries of stagnation science is making a comeback in the Islamic world   
The road to renewal

Sharif Abdel Kouddous: On Egyptian Revolution's 2nd Anniversary, Protesters' Demands Mostly the Same

Sharif Abdel Kouddous: On Egyptian Revolution's 2nd Anniversary, Protesters' Demands Mostly the Same

Friday, January 25, 2013

Saudi prince calls for arming militants

Saudi prince calls for arming militants

Nine people shot and killed in Suez

Nine people shot and killed in Suez

Psywar - Full Documentary

Nine people killed by gunfire in Egyptian city of Suez

The economic draft and the lies of military recruiters

The economic draft and the lies of military recruiters

Police Officers Rescue a Desperate and Dying Dog on the Streets

 Police Officers Rescue a Desperate and Dying Dog on the Streets...

Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963

Remembering the Holocaust and All Genocides

Archie Bunker's Eulogy

Archie Bunker

Maan NewsMedics: Gaza man hurt by Israel gas canister

Medics: Gaza man hurt by Israel gas canister

Rep. gets $2 in terrorist talk shutdown | WOOD TV8

Rep. gets $2 in terrorist talk shutdown | WOOD TV8

More Muslims urged to become certified foster parents with state

Senate Hearing Two Memorable Moments

Anti Islam Bill Introduced Again Called Camouflaged Bigotry

Three Hackers Caught After Stealing Millions from Banks in U.S. and Across the Globe

Feces And The Gold Standard: A Psychological Explanation Of Goldbuggery | The New Republic

Feces And The Gold Standard: A Psychological Explanation Of Goldbuggery | The New Republic

What Will Happen in Palestine Friday Morning?

What Will Happen in Palestine Friday Morning?

A gentle embracing of what is - Eckhart Tolle

Just Foreign Policy

Urgent: Big Ag group trying to ban raw milk sales in South Carolina - your help needed to stop this tyranny

Urgent: Big Ag group trying to ban raw milk sales in South Carolina - your help needed to stop this tyranny

Damage To The Hippocampus Following Binge Drinking Indicated By A Brain Protein Called Vimentin

Damage To The Hippocampus Following Binge Drinking Indicated By A Brain Protein Called Vimentin

Barak: Netanyahu's disregard of Israeli social protest cost him the election Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Barak: Netanyahu's disregard of Israeli social protest cost him the election Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Barak: Netanyahu's disregard of Israeli social protest cost him the election Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Barak: Netanyahu's disregard of Israeli social protest cost him the election Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A gentle embracing of what is - Eckhart Tolle

A gentle embracing of what is - Eckhart Tolle

Breaking News: Underground Explosion At Iran's Fordow Nuclear Facility 240 Trapped Underground!

Ricardo Lopez:

BREAKING: Underground Explosion At Iran's Fordow Nuclear Facility~ 240 P...

Sri Lanka to ban maids going to Saudi Arabia - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Sri Lanka to ban maids going to Saudi Arabia - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

After Tiller: 40 Years Since Roe v. Wade, Abortion Providers Continue Work of Slain Kansas Doctor

After Tiller: 40 Years Since Roe v. Wade, Abortion Providers Continue Work of Slain Kansas Doctor

County Sheriff: Power To Protect

County Sheriff: Power To Protect

Baroness Warsi Was Right- Anti-Muslim Prejudice Seems to be Increasingly Acceptable

Baroness Warsi Was Right - Anti-Muslim Prejudice Seems to Be...

The Collbert Nation

Roittov:Holocaust Hits India

Siraj Davis

The Daily Show

Obama’s Dirty Wars Exposed at Sundance | Common Dreams

Obama’s Dirty Wars Exposed at Sundance | Common Dreams

American The Immoral Part Two

Exclusive - Missy Cummings Extended Interview

US Muslim Students Appeal Convections

UC Muslim students appeal convictions

Zero Dark Thirty and the Legacy of Torture

We Have Truth On Our Side

Chris Hedges: "We Have Truth On Our Side" (Video)-

Qatar, Sponsor of Islamist Political Movements, Major Ally of America

Qatar, Sponsor of Islamist Political Movements, Major Ally of America

Rachel Maddow

The School-to-Prison Pipeline | Teaching Tolerance

The School-to-Prison Pipeline | Teaching Tolerance

Related Report

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

No bullshit on Brasscheck

What's Behind the GOP's Fixation on Benghazi?

Study: Graphic Health Warnings On Tobacco More Powerful Than Text « CBS Atlanta

Study: Graphic Health Warnings On Tobacco More Powerful Than Text « CBS Atlanta

Gold Manhattan New Your

A Culture Of Delusion » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

A Culture Of Delusion » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names


Wednesday READ - 23 January 2013

CIA admits full monitoring of Facebook, Google, Youtube and other social...

Settlements Scam: 'Israel bulldozers won't stop, no prospects for peace'

Muslim Americans Grateful to Dr. Martin Luther King @CAIRnational

Muslim Americans Grateful to Dr. Martin Luther King @CAIRnational

Jewish and Arab American Woman Suing Airline for Racial Profiling

A Rabbi's Path to Palestinian Solidarity

A Rabbi's Path to Palestinian Solidarity


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah (original studio version)+Lyrics

Suspect charged in Lone Star College shooting

Suspect charged in Lone Star College shooting

When Did Whistleblowers Become the Bad Guys?

When Did Whistleblowers Become the Bad Guys?

GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans
By F. William Engdahl
Global Research, January 22, 2013
Url of this article:

Opening Plenary - Muslim Perspectives on

Fox News Flips Out On Obama Inauguration Day

Fox News Flips Out On Obama Inauguration Day

Read more:

CAIR Receives Award at Muslim Inaugural Event

Death of man beaten by North Chicago police classified as homicide

Death of man beaten by North Chicago police classified as homicide

Breathing Forgiveness: Anti-Slavery Campaign Interview Series. Richard Fo...

Breathing Forgiveness: Anti-Slavery Campaign Interview Series. Richard Fo...: ENSLAVEMENT OF THE FALSE SELF Transforming Fear Into Compassion Richard Forer is a former AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs C...

Anti-Slavery Campaign Interview Series. Richard Forer ENSLAVEMENT OF THE FALSE SELF Transforming Fear Into Compassion

Too Big to Jail

That's what I'm dealing with in Lane County Criminal officials! Dave Frohnmay the previous A.G. has committed a crime by putting a lean on my fully paid condo and sold it by the cheapest price! then, listed as it was sold $10,000.00 more the it was sold! The condo was marked it $150,000.00,now it worth $350,000.00! We got only $42,000.00! 

Frohnmay is too Big To Jail!!

We lost our decent, high integrity A.G John Kroger, because of Frohnmayer!!

'Palestine to the ICC' campaign gathers momentum

Obama losing patience with Netanyahu

Obama losing patience with Netanyahu

The Extremist Cult of Capitalism

OpEdNews Article: Article: The Extremist Cult of Capitalism

Day 3: We Must Awaken Our Country « Standing On The Side Of Love

Day 3: We Must Awaken Our Country « Standing On The Side Of Love

On Obama’s Second Inauguration » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

On Obama’s Second Inauguration » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

GOP Holds Retreat Panel on Appealing To Minorities at a Virginia Plantation

Don't Use His Fire: Why Cornel West Is Upset Obama Was Sworn In On Martin Luther King's Bible | Common Dreams

Don't Use His Fire: Why Cornel West Is Upset Obama Was Sworn In On Martin Luther King's Bible | Common Dreams

Lauren Booth: How I accepted Islam [Tony Blair's sister-in-law]

McConnell warns gun owners: Obama and Democrats have you ‘literally surrounded’

Utah sheriffs warn Obama of deadly war over guns

Obama Inaugural Address: The Unapologetic President

Obama Inaugural Address: The Unapologetic President

Monday, January 21, 2013

MLK's Vehement Condemnations of US Militarism More Relevant

MLK's Vehement Condemnations of US Militarism are More Relevant...

A "Radical Idea" Reversed Author Says Nobel Committee Has Betrayed

A "Radical Idea" Reversed: Author Says Nobel Committee Has Betrayed...

Free Ziyad Campaign (playlist)

US Government Hostage to Israel? | Interview with Mark Bruzonsky

McDonald's To Pay $700,000 To Settle Allegations Franchise Falsely Claimed Food Complied With Halal

Black 9/11: Money, Motive, Technology, and Plausible Deniability

Michelle Obama Rolls her Eyes at - Boehner. Michelle Obama is NOT imp...

Robert F. Williams {Negroes with GUNS}

Marting Luther King Jr. Quotes You Never Hear

Words of Justice

Store owner says he's a victim of graffiti hate crime Graffiti has owner scared

Thank you, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Obama's Inaugural Address: 'I Want To Take A Look One More Time' (VIDEO)

Obama's Inaugural Address: 'I Want To Take A Look One More Time' (VIDEO),b=facebook

English Al Arabiyan

Occupation Soldiers Besiege/Attack Beit Iksa

Occupation soldiers besiege/attack Beit Iksa

Occupation soldiers “visit” Gate of Dignity (Bab AlKarama) early morning, then close checkpoint, confrontations now going on.
(media people and activists needed now on location and activists around the world can publicize)
It was too cold to sleep for most of us last night at the Gate of Dignity encampment and the army “visited” us early in the morning.  Yesterday we had to overcome the Israeli checkpoint at the entrance of Beit Iksa but today the occupation forces closed the checkpoint and are attacking peaceful demonstrators with tear gas and stun grenades ………  

Read more and see videos/pictures and important links at
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PHD
Chair, the Palestinain Center for Rapprochement Between People

Netanyahu Admits his Country's Alliance with Saudi Arabia

Formar US Ambassador: Israel, NOT Hamas, Started the November War

Former US Ambassador: Israel, not Hamas, started the November war...

‘US expectations shattered over Syria’

‘US expectations shattered over Syria’

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Last Speech Pleading to Preserve our First Amendment Rights

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Last Speech Pleading to Preserve our First Amendment Rights

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Deadly Secret - Russia

FDA Can Now Remove Any Dietary Supplement from the Market- Easier Than They Can Remove Drugs

FDA Can Now Remove Any Dietary Supplement from the Market – Easier Than They Can Remove Drugs

Israel's Policy of Targeted Assassinations and Shifting the Focus of Blame

Robby Martin:       

Israel's practice of targeted assassinations against Palestinians, an evolution of 'focused foiling' or 'liquidations policy' by Israel, remains a contentious issue in the discourse on human rights and international human rights law.

Perceived in a wider context, it is possible to discern a trend in the global media which fails to address assassinations as a lethal operation carried out by Israeli intelligence and the Israeli Defence Forces. A comprehensive look at Israel's colonial occupation of Palestine, its disregard for international law and distortion of Palestinian armed resistance shows how the global media has served Israel's deception campaign. By endorsing the occupier's rhetoric, the media has aided in shifting the discourse of Palestinian resistance to an image of terrorism, endangering the reality of history under colonial occupation and failing to discuss the assassinations as an operative of state terror.


Video: U.S.-Born Israeli Candidate Suggests Blowing Up Dome of the Rock / Anti-Islam Hate Broadcast Nationwide (Video)

Senior Israeli Archaeologist Cast Doubt on Jewish Heritage of Jerusalem?

Press TV: France slams Media Blackout on Mali War

Ex-Army Officer Accuses CIA of Obstructing Pre-9/11 Intelligence-Gathering

Ex-Army Officer Accuses CIA of Obstructing Pre-9/11 Intelligence-Gathering

Black News: Teen Opens Fire at Martin Luther Kind Jr. Parade in Jackson

Cornel West Explains Why It Bothers Him That Obama Will Be Taking The Oa...

US indicts former New Orleans mayor for fraud - Americas - Al Jazeera English

US indicts former New Orleans mayor for fraud - Americas - Al Jazeera English

In letter to activists, UK foreign office blames Palestinians in Gaza for bringing suffering on themselves

Israelis 'Donate' Votes to Palestinians in Protest | Common Dreams

Israelis 'Donate' Votes to Palestinians in Protest | Common Dreams


Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview

Your World News

Ruthann Amarteifio and Casey J.Carter
w/ Ruthann Amarteifio and Casey J. Carraher----
8 p.m. Central----Sunday, Jan. 20th-----
Lauren Tratar guests on 'Salon'. The author of several books, she will give us some ideas of actions we can take as we begin 2013, to improve our personal world and the world at large!
Catch all the Sunday regs. here, also.
Click for more info-------Call in to 760-539-3207 in third half hour, and come to chat room----!


West attacks on Iranian media: What for?

Slavery in UK: Human trafficking flourishes with only few jailed

The Holy Land Unveiled

Zarook M.C.M 

A must Read - As long as Zionists keep the Americans in Dark, Americans will never see the TRUTH. 
Years of distorted coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led most Americans to believe that it is the violence of Palestinians that prevents their dream of a state. In fact, it is a policy of the government of Israel. This policy is nothing short of genocide.

While American media covers the minutiae of the so-called peace process, Israel continues to consolidate its control over the West Bank. How it does so is described in my new book, The Holy Land Unveiled.

I spoke to businessmen and Palestinian National Authority officials and employees of non-governmental organizations. I also spoke to cabdrivers, waiters and families in refugee camps. I spoke with mothers and fathers and people who had spent time in Israeli prisons. My statistics were garnered from human rights organizations, some of them Israeli. I saw it all with my own eyes.

It is important for Americans to come to grips with the truth about this situation. Our extremely biased policy toward Israel and our unwillingness to see the results are undermining our credibility in the Middle East—and everywhere else. More importantly, it enables Israel to make the lives of Palestinians a living hell (those who are not shot).

The Holy Land Unveiled

Americans assume that suicide bombers are driving the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” And yet the death toll of Palestinians in the last four years is six times greater than that of the Israelis. This is true if you are counting civilians only, or counting both civiliansand combatants. The number of wounded is more than seven times greater among the Palestinians than it is among the Israelis.
In the year 2004, the death toll of Palestinian children was actually 22 times higher than that of Israeli children. There were 179 Palestinian children killed as compared to eight Israeli children, but the media would have you believe that the figures are reversed. Do not believe it. In a detailed study of The New York Times in 2004, it was discovered that they reported the deaths of Israelis at a rate 3.6 times their reporting on the deaths of Palestinians. The Times covered the deaths of Israeli children 7.3 times as much as they did the deaths of Palestinian kids. For the other media, the distortion was even greater. 

The major networks reported on the deaths of Israeli children up to 13 times as much as they reported on the deaths of Palestinian children, revealing a purposeful bias designed to brainwash viewers.

But the death toll is only part of the story. Palestine, or the meager part of it that is left—that which is supposed to have been “given” to the Palestinians for their state—is being destroyed and/or stolen on a daily basis by the occupying Israeli military and by illegal Israeli settlers. Land is confiscated; olive trees uprooted; homes demolished; political activists targeted and murdered; and honest journalists gunned down as they attempt to cover these incidents.

The economy is intentionally undermined by the Israeli policy of closure and curfew. Restrictive legislation against the Arab Israelis in Israel proper makes it difficult for them to function. Arbitrary arrest and torture in the Occupied Territories make the lives of Palestinians a constant torment.

Years of distorted coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led most Americans to believe that it is the violence of Palestinians that prevents their dream of a state. In fact, it is a policy of the government of Israel. This policy is nothing short of genocide.

While American media covers the minutiae of the so-called peace process, Israel continues to consolidate its control over the West Bank. How it does so is described in my new book, The Holy Land Unveiled.

I spoke to businessmen and Palestinian National Authority officials and employees of non-governmental organizations. I also spoke to cabdrivers, waiters and families in refugee camps. I spoke with mothers and fathers and people who had spent time in Israeli prisons. My statistics were garnered from human rights organizations, some of them Israeli. I saw it all with my own eyes.

It is important for Americans to come to grips with the truth about this situation. Our extremely biased policy toward Israel and our unwillingness to see the results are undermining our credibility in the Middle East—and everywhere else. More importantly, it enables Israel to make the lives of Palestinians a living hell (those who are not shot).

They are a people worn out by the daily struggle for survival against all odds. As it is unlikely that the status quo will change, it is equally unlikely that the future for Palestinians will improve unless Americans can read the truth.

I hope you will take the time to read this book and to think about them. In a democracy such as ours, the responsibility for foreign policy ultimately rests with the people.

For this reason it is important that Americans have a greater understanding of one of the most long-lived conflicts that is uniquely affected by American foreign policy. Only then can we all help save the people of the Holy Land from genocide.

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