Thursday, February 28, 2013

Netanyahu calls out Erdogan on 'dark, libelous' characterization of Zionism

Netanyahu calls out Erdogan on 'dark, libelous' characterization of...

A Racial Entitlement? Supreme Court Threatens Voting Rights Act

A Racial Entitlement? Supreme Court Threatens Voting Rights Act,...

Photographer as Witness: A Portrait of Domestic Violence

Photographer as Witness: A Portrait of Domestic Violence | LightBox...

Belgian Islamophobia: MPs vow to ‘impeach’ Muslim extremists

 Belgian Islamophobia: MPs vow to ‘impeach’ Muslim extremists |...

Gun Activists Warn Obama is Raising a Private Army to Imprison Americans en masse(VIDEO)

Clarke to Introduced Bill Prohibiting Civil Liberties Violations by DHS

Clarke to Introduce Bill Prohibiting Civil Liberties Violations by DHS

Salem News: American Cost

The American Myth: 'We Are Number One'

Fadi A. Saba: FBI's apparent entrapment of San Jose man continues its track record

Fadi A. Saba: FBI's apparent entrapment of San Jose man continues its...

Racism, Torture and Impunity in Chicago | The Nation

Racism, Torture and Impunity in Chicago | The Nation

Violence Against Women Act passed by House, sent to Obama for signature

Violence Against Women Act passed by House, sent to Obama for...

Obama Memo On 'Sensitive' Jobs Stir Whistle-Blowers Fears

Obama Memo on ‘Sensitive’ Jobs Stirs Whistle-Blower Fears

Muslims saving Jews: Unity in time of war documented in photography...

Muslims saving Jews: Unity in time of war documented in photography...

Uploaded videos (playlist)

AAIUSA: Sabras: Palestine Through Another Lens

Sabras: Palestine Through Another Lens

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Republicans Must Bridge the Income Gap

Republicans Must Bridge the Income Gap

"Makers: Women Who Make America": New Film Chronicles Past 50 Years of Feminist Movement

"Makers: Women Who Make America": New Film Chronicles Past 50 Years of Feminist Movement

"Makers: Women Who Make America": New Film Chronicles Past 50 Years of Feminist Movement

"Makers: Women Who Make America": New Film Chronicles Past 50 Years of Feminist Movement

Is A New US Role in the Middle East Possible? - IPS

Is A New US Role in the Middle East Possible? - IPS

The Obnoxious Tea Party Leaders Have Vanished from the Political Stage -- Palin, Beck, DeMint, Paul, Bachmann... Poof!

Stop the Blank Check to Israel

Stop the Blank Check to Israel

20 million views of our billboards, and counting!

20 million views of our billboards, and counting!

Is A New US Role in The Middle East Possible

Is A New US Role in the Middle East Possible?

Secure Campaign

EU Slams Israeli Settlements, Urges Sanctions in New Report | Common Dreams

EU Slams Israeli Settlements, Urges Sanctions in New Report | Common Dreams

Lords of Disorder: Billions For Wall Street, Sacrifice For Everyone Else | Common Dreams

Lords of Disorder: Billions For Wall Street, Sacrifice For Everyone Else | Common Dreams

SILENCE- A new documentary from Oscar nominee James Spione

SILENCED - A new documentary from Oscar nominee James Spione

John Lewis Scalias Racial Entitlement Comment is an Affront to a Cause People Died For

New Hampshire Republican Don't Punish Domestic Violence Because People are Always Free to Leave

‎"The reality is that women (and, less often, men) in an abusive relationship are trapped. The method of entrapment can be financial abuse (Where can I go? I don’t have any money of my own) Emotional abuse (I can’t leave. No one will ever love me. I’m dirt without him) Physical abuse (If I try to leave, he’ll hurt me) Fear (He’ll find me if I leave) or any combination of factors. The abused can’t just leave and they certainly don’t “like being in abusive relationship.” Those are the words of a man who truly believes that domestic abuse is a victimless crime; that the woman (men can never be abused by a woman in GOP world, you see) wants or deserves to be beaten. We find the same attitude prevalent among Republicans in regards to rape. The deep-seated animosity towards, and lack of respect for women, on display is disturbing."

Hannity's Own Expert Pwns Him on Anti-Obama Bias

How long will US President Barack Obama ignore Israel’s policy of oppression? |

How long will US President Barack Obama ignore Israel’s policy of oppression? |

CAIR Rep Takes Part in DC Muslim-Media Roundtable | Facebook

#CAIR Rep Takes Part in DC Muslim-Media Roundtable

Top DHS checkpoint refusals

How the FBI Helps Terrorists Succedd

How the FBI Helps Terrorists Succeed

Police Brutality Case Heading to Trial

MPD Brutality Case Heading to Trial

MPD Brutality Case Heading to Trial - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

MPD Brutality Case Heading to Trial - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

WATCH: That Awkward Moment When Anti-Immigration Protesters Realize

WATCH: That Awkward Moment When Anti-Immigration Protesters Realize...

On Purposely Getting Arrested, to Get Life-Saving Surgery - The Atlantic

On Purposely Getting Arrested, to Get Life-Saving Surgery - The Atlantic

Rep. Ellison explodes on Fox News, calls Sean Hannity 'worst excuse for a journalist'

Rep. Ellison explodes on Fox News, calls Sean Hannity 'worst excuse for a journalist'

Dem introduces anti-racial profiling bill one year after Trayvon Martin's death - The Hill's Floor Action

Dem introduces anti-racial profiling bill one year after Trayvon Martin's death - The Hill's Floor Action

Sean Hannity vs Keith Ellison -THE Big TV Debate Fight - "You are the wo...

Sean Hannity vs Keith Ellison -THE Big TV Debate Fight - "You are the wo...

House of Cards, the Oscars 2013 and Jewish power Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

House of Cards, the Oscars 2013 and Jewish power Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Second from Disaster.... Moment tourists took to sky in Egypt hot

Seconds from disaster... Moment tourists took to sky in Egypt hot...

PBS: Government Elections Politics/Big Money will the Supreme Court Lift Political Contribution Limits

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

'We've been driven to the brink of ruin- by the State': Couple

'We've been driven to the brink of ruin - by the State': Couple...

‘Prostitutes’: Saudi cleric insults recently-appointed female Shura members

Mali and the Africa Land Grab

Black Churches Condemn Obama’s Drone Policy as Murder and Evil

Black Churches Condemn Obama Administration’s Drone Policy as...

Video Brasscheck

Jimmy Carter favored
decriminalizing illegal

Reagan, Bush, Clinton etc.
ramped up prosecution and
turned the drug business in
into their own personal piggy


- Brasscheck

United Nations News Centre - Senior UN official calls for investigation into death of Palestinian in Israeli detention

United Nations News Centre - Senior UN official calls for investigation into death of Palestinian in Israeli detention

Robert Gibbs: I was told not to 'acknowledge' drones - Katie Glueck -

Robert Gibbs: I was told not to 'acknowledge' drones - Katie Glueck -

'Obama to tell Netanyahu US gearing up for Iran strike' | The Times of Israel

'Obama to tell Netanyahu US gearing up for Iran strike' | The Times of Israel

'Obama to tell Netanyahu US gearing up for Iran strike' | The Times of Israel

'Obama to tell Netanyahu US gearing up for Iran strike' | The Times of Israel

Aspartame May Be More Toxic in Men than Women

Aspartame May Be More Toxic in Men than Women

Monday, February 25, 2013

Say No to GMO Salmon! (Petition)

Say No to GMO Salmon! (Petition)

Brain's 'stroke shielding' cracked

Brain's 'stroke shielding' cracked

Port Orange police investigate Saturday night shooting

Port Orange police investigate Saturday night shooting

Daily Kos: Salon: Rep. Eric Cantor Will Make $$$$$ If US Defaults

Daily Kos: Salon: Rep. Eric Cantor Will Make $$$$ If US Defaults

Attorney Jonathan Emord -- FDA, and the Drug Industry out to Destroy the Supplement Industry

Attorney Jonathan Emord -- FDA, and the Drug Industry out to Destroy the Supplement Industry

Galloway: I don't recognize Israel

Robertson: 'Rebuke' demons by Praying over possessed secondhand

Robertson: ‘Rebuke’ demons by praying over possessed secondhand...

CNN Host Schools Bobby Jindal For Spouting ‘Misleading’ Economic ‘Nonsense’

CNN Host Schools Bobby Jindal For Spouting ‘Misleading’ Economic ‘Nonsense’: pCNN business correspondent Ali Velshi slammed Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) for likening the federal budget to family spending and suggesting that the Obama administration should not spend more than the government takes in. “Every family has to balance their budget, isn’t allowed to spend more than they need, every business is more efficient, tighten their [...]/p

Collateral Damage- the Hidden Pain of the Whistleblower

Collateral Damage – the Hidden Pain of the Whistleblower

GMO | Genetic Roulette (Americans MUST see!)

Politicus usa

Social Justice in Islam and the Legacy of Malcolm X

Social Justice in Islam and the Legacy of Malcolm X

The Rise of The Permanent Temp Economy

The Rise of the Permanent Temp Economy

TexMessage: Gohmert draws criticism after Sharia Law & gun control...

TexMessage: Gohmert draws criticism after Sharia Law & gun control...

A Muslim's Response to Gun Violence

A Muslim's Response to Gun Violence

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Real Clear Politics Video

Real Clear Politics Video

Spend Tobacco Settlement Money On Health Programs: Guest Opinion

Spend tobacco settlement money on health programs: Guest opinion

February Update From The Committee To Stop FBI Repression

February update from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

David Duke

McCain and Israel's Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty

'Zero Dark Thirty' is the most vile and immoral war film I've seen in years

'Zero Dark Thirty' is the most vile and immoral war film I've seen in years

Saturday’s Potpourri: First Lady Michelle Obama Visits Jimmy Fallon And Barack Sings

Saturday’s Potpourri: First Lady Michelle Obama Visits Jimmy Fallon And Barack Sings

CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix

Rabia- Chaudry/ Muslims are Everywhere Response to Michele Backmann

Marian Vargas: "Ms. Bachmann, I want to apologize for doubting your claims, and I'm so sorry that everyone is ridiculing you, including pillars of your own party. My heart actually breaks a little bit for you. You're right that we're everywhere, and you're right that many of us are guided by our Islamic faith. It's estimated that by 2030 the number of Muslims in the U.S. will double so it's only going to get worse. There are already a number of Muslim mayors in the U.S., soon there may be Muslim governors, and maybe one day even a Muslim president. And no, President Obama doesn't count."

Radically Wrong: Misstated Threats- Terrorism Isn't an American-Muslim Problem

Radically Wrong: Misstated Threats - Terrorism isn’t an American-Muslim Problem

Press TV

Video: CAIR-MD Testifies at Hearing on Bill to Prohibit Indefinite Deten...

The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit

Bees Can Sense The Electric Fields of Flowers

Bees Can Sense the Electric Fields of Flowers

Video: Six Million My Ass

Thanks John Jones: "Never underestimate the power of that timeless principle that states: "If you keep throwing shit on a wall, some of it will stick." The media manipulators have been throwing shit for a very long time. The incident (Holocaust) was despicable, but so were other incidents (some even greater). The figure has been disputed since it was first contrived. Dispute or challenge the figure (alone) and be called a "revisionist". The Zionazi bastards are the greatest revisionists ever. They have not only worked hard to manipulate, but they've worked hard to erase Palestinian history, Palestinian culture and Palestinian identity. Fuck the Zionazi bastards !!"

Thanks to Holly Elisia Niste for sharing this. J. Jones

Thanks to Holly Elisia Niste for sharing this

Saturday, February 23, 2013

'The Dream Sailors': Training People in Lucid Dreaming Opens Way

‘The dream sailors’: Training people in lucid dreaming opens way...

Mali conflict: 'Many die' in Ifoghas mountain battle

How Obama and Valerie Jarrett Helped Launch Their Political Careers in an Outrageous 'Urban Renewal' Scheme

Jimmy Carter: 'Argo' Was Good, But Inaccurate

Witnesses at a Drone Hearing

Children Defense

Friday, February 22, 2013

"5 Broken Cameras": Home Videos Evolve Into Film on Palestinian Resistan...

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign works for peace & justice for Palestinians, in support of human rights & against all racism

Tell the Foreign Office they must pressure Israel to release Samer...

Sharon Feared Genocide Charge Over Sabra and Shatila- The National

Sharon feared genocide charge over Sabra and Shatila - The National

Sabra and Shatila Documents Revealed Ariel Sharon feared Indictment for Genocide over Israel's Role

Video: Health and Medical/The un tells Haiti Tough Luck

Health and Medical: The UN tells Haiti: "Tough luck"


Master P - Why They Wanna Wish Death

Video TSA: NR Marsh TSA Pat Down Apology

Buckminster Fuller

Jimmy Carter: Obama Thanked my Grandson for ’47 Percent’ Tape, Helping Him Win 2012 Election

Jimmy Carter: Obama Thanked my Grandson for ’47 Percent’ Tape, Helping Him Win 2012 Election: President Obama has finally thanked Jimmy Carter’s grandson for helping him win the 2012 presidential election. It was James Carter, grandson of the former president, who brought the now-famous “47 percent” tape to light, connecting Mother Jones columnist David Corn to the source who secretly...

Baseless Islamophobia perpetuated by propaganda - Opinion - The Lamron

Baseless Islamophobia perpetuated by propaganda - Opinion - The Lamron

Baseless Islamophobia perpetuated by propaganda - Opinion - The Lamron

Baseless Islamophobia perpetuated by propaganda - Opinion - The Lamron

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Banking malfeasance The Vatican: Don�t Bank on It

Thousands Must Have Died Under Torture – Or Following It

Thousands Must Have Died Under Torture – Or Following It

The Invisible War - Official Trailer

2013 and Beyond...Awakening from FEAR consciousness to LOVE consciousness

The Shameful History of WWII Japanese American Internment Read more at

The Shameful History of WWII Japanese American Internment

Ariel Sharon feared genocide charges over Israel's role in Sabra and Shatila

Ariel Sharon feared genocide charges over Israel's role in Sabra...

Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Killing 225,000 People Every Year


Sharon opposed findings of Sabra, Shatilla... JPost - Middle East

Sharon opposed findings of Sabra, Shatilla... JPost - Middle East

Hezbollah member denies preparing Cyprus attack

Buying Gold: Gold as "insurance."

Religious Group Cries Foul On SNL Parody of Django Unchained

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Most honest three minutes in television! (EPIC VERSION)

Congress: End Endless War and Stop Becoming “the Evil That We Deplore” | Common Dreams

Congress: End Endless War and Stop Becoming “the Evil That We Deplore” | Common Dreams

'5 Broken Camera's Director Emad Burnat: I Was Detained At LAX

'5 Broken Cameras' Director Emad Burnat: I Was Detained At LAX

Parents Fury-TSA-detains Wheelchair Bound Daughter 3 they're trying Fly Disney World Family Vacation


Anti-Muslim Bigotry & Hate (Islamophobia) (playlist)

The languages of jihad

Michael Moore Intervenes When Agents threaten To Deport Palestinian Director At Airport

Michael Moore intervenes when agents threaten to deport Palestinian...

Columbia prof strips, shows 9/11 tape during class

Democratic Senators Call on FBI to Track Hate Crimes Against Sikhs, Hindus and Arab Americans

abcNEWS Would You Stop Muslim Discrimination ?

No Black Nurses Request Draws Lawsuit By Sydney Lupkin

Man was naked at drive-thru, cops say

Watch: CAIR's Latest Annual Video

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Israeli Soldier Posts Instagram Photo of Palestinian Child in Crosshairs « Blog

Israeli Soldier Posts Instagram Photo of Palestinian Child in Crosshairs « Blog

Put The Lime In The Coconut

Monday, February 18, 2013

Woman sets herself alight in Spanish bank | euronews, world news

Woman sets herself alight in Spanish bank | euronews, world news


Cuckoo for Coconut Oil

'US to Play Active Military Role in Mali

'US to play active military role in Mali'

Stop Supporting Israel Crimes, West Told

Stop supporting Israel crimes, West told

Will Ferrell Is All Busted Up Over Twilight's Kristen Stewart & Robert P...

Sniper Posts Pic of Child in Crosshairs

Video: CAIR-MN Seeks Mediation to Resolve Race-Related School Issues

George Carlin (1990) - Israeli murderers are called commandos. Arab com...

Challenged Freedom

Profiting From Human Misery | Common Dreams

Profiting From Human Misery | Common Dreams


Sharia law ban and Muslim wives - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Sharia law ban and Muslim wives - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Saudi Arabia's Triable Regime

   Saudi Arabia’s tribal regime

Day of Remembrance: Japanese-Americans Show Support For Muslims, Sikhs

Day of Remembrance: Japanese-Americans show support for Muslims, Sikhs

America Shamed Again: A Colonized People

UN to Obama: Drop drones? World body to investigate U.S. use of unmanned death planes Read more:

UN to Obama: Drop drones? World body to investigate U.S. use of...

February 18, 2013 - Issue 2375

February 18, 2013 - Issue 2375

Sunday, February 17, 2013

John Pilger 72 interventions by the USA since 1945

30+ of the most beautiful abandoned places and modern ruins i’ve ever seen

30+ of the most beautiful abandoned places and modern ruins i’ve ever seen

Mother Teresa's home of the dying

Friday, February 15, 2013

David Duke

Iraq at the Brink: A Decade After the US Invasion | Common Dreams

Iraq at the Brink: A Decade After the US Invasion | Common Dreams

Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority’

Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority’: pAt the Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Conference this week, the state’s top Republican lawmakers assured attendees that they will do everything in their power to enact a forced ultrasound bill, which would mandate an invasive transvaginal probe for some women seeking first-trimester abortions. “This bill is a priority,” Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald [...]/p

50 years ago the World in 1963

50 Years Ago: The World in 1963

An Intentional Fire? Police Use of Incendiary Tear Gas Criticized in Killing of Christopher Dorner

An Intentional Fire? Police Use of Incendiary Tear Gas Criticized in Killing of Christopher Dorner

An Intentional Fire? Police Use of Incendiary Tear Gas Criticized in Killing of Christopher Dorner

An Intentional Fire? Police Use of Incendiary Tear Gas Criticized in Killing of Christopher Dorner

Obama’s Attack on Medicare Fraud Reaps Record Results for Second Year in a Row

Are Black Christians The New “House Negroes?”

Are Black Christians The New "House Negroes?"

'Let Us Not Be Deceived': Cornel West Names Obama as 'War Criminal' | Common Dreams

'Let Us Not Be Deceived': Cornel West Names Obama as 'War Criminal' | Common Dreams

Upworthy: Pissed That a Girl Won't Sleep With You're Probably Not As Nice As You Think

Pissed That A Girl Won't Sleep With You? You're Probably Not As...

UC Lecturer Links Arab American Students To Terrorist Organizations

UC Lecturer Links Arab American Students to Terrorist Organizations

Democracy Now: Billion Rising Actions To End Violence Against Women Held In

In Memoriam Pieter Hendrik Kooijmans (1933-2013), Former Judge of the International Court of Justice | Peace Palace Library

In Memoriam Pieter Hendrik Kooijmans (1933-2013), Former Judge of the International Court of Justice | Peace Palace Library

Video: Calif. Man Arrested in Terror Plot May Need Psychiatric Evaluatio...

Thursday, February 14, 2013



Novel Protein Discovered That May Help Detect Lou Gehrig's Disease And Dementia

Novel Protein Discovered That May Help Detect Lou Gehrig's Disease And Dementia

Free Ziyad Yaghi Tribute by CCTJP

Obama's Dirty Wars exposed at Sundance

Amy Goodman: Obama’s Dirty Wars Exposed at Sundance - Truthdig

Passengers Begin Disembarking Disabled Carnival Cruise Ship in Mobile, Ala.

Israel... Do NOT Watch This After Eating

Young Israeli conscientious objector sentenced to sixth consecutive prison term

Young Israeli conscientious objector sentenced to sixth consecutive prison term

Young Israeli conscientious objector sentenced to sixth consecutive...

AP and Amnesty International: Are you just waiting for him to die?

AP and Amnesty International: Are you just waiting for him to die?

On Feb. 23, Join one of 24 events to protest Bradley's 1,000th Day

On Feb. 23, join one of 24 events to protest Bradley’s 1,000th day...

Obama Open to Getting Rid of the Penny

Obama Open to Getting Rid of the Penny: Pitch the penny? President Obama says it may be time to get rid of the one cent coin. The coins cost more to mint than they are worth and are increasingly used less and less, leading many economists to ask why the U.S. hasn’t gotten...

McCain admits Hagel oppositon is political payback

Senate Vote Fails To End Filibuster On Hagel

Senate Vote Fails To End Filibuster On Hagel,b=facebook

Exclusive: Senator Hagel's Remarks at the 2008 ADC National Convention

Exclusive: Senator Hagel's Remarks at the 2008 ADC National Convention 

Watch the video:

Money Scandal Behind Papal Coup d'Etat

Money Scandal Behind Papal Coup d'Etat

White House LIVE

 White House LIVE

Around the World, A 'Billion Rise' to Fight Violence Against Women and Girls | Common Dreams

Around the World, A 'Billion Rise' to Fight Violence Against Women and Girls | Common Dreams

Watch: FBI's Invasive Racial Mapping

WATCH: FBI's Invasive Racial Mapping

Stories of What Wall Streetbroke

Obama signs bill 'in secret' making FREE SPEECH ILLEGAL!

Israel admits it held Australian 'Prisoner X'

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

AAI Hosts Virtual Brownbag On Syria

AAI Hosts Virtual Brownbag on Syria

Unite to End Violence against Women–+UNiTE+to+End+Violence+against+Women&utm_campaign=fb49cd60bf-Invitation_to_online_discussion&utm_medium=email

CAIR: Muslim Group Seeks DOJ Probe of FBI 'Retaliation' in Minnesota

Muslim Group Seeks DOJ Probe of FBI 'Retaliation' in Minnesota

AAIUSA: What not to expect from the state of the Union

What (Not) To Expect from the State of the Union

Is New CIS Chief a Muslim?

Is New CIA Chief a Muslim?

Oklahoma considers foreign law court ban

Oklahoma considers foreign law court ban

National Press Club Newsmakers Committee Chair Resigns in Protest Over Handling of Israeli Event

National Press Club Newsmakers Committee Chair Resigns in Protest Over Handling of Israeli Event

Experts Debate Roles of San Jose Man and FBI in Oakland Bomb Ploy

#CAIR-SFBA: Experts debate roles of San Jose man and FBI in Oakland bomb ploy


Robertson: Islam is Demonic, Not a Religion

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Israel Cheats all the way to the Mooon

Israel cheats all the way to the Moon

Obama Signs Cybersecurity Executive Order Ahead of State of the Union

The Revolving Door: FDA and the Monsanto Company

The Revolving Door: FDA and the Monsanto Company – ivn.usFDA and the Monsanto Company. Over the past decades, at least seven high-ranking employees in the FDA have had employment history with Monsanto.


Pitition: AAIUSA

Racism and discriminations are not only limited to Blacks, in Oregon!! 

I've been targeted by the EPD, the D.A. and Dough Harcleroad since 1985! 

In one of my Mom's visits to me in 1987, we were shopping at Valley River when I was stopped by an officer who told me that my Mom was at the restaurant across from Valley River the night before and held the cashier and demanding cash!! My didn't speak English, nor know how to drive to go any where by her self! 

I've lost my fully paid Condominium to the most corrupted previous A.G Dave Frohnmayer! After the Condominium Associated of River Island Estates put a lean on it. I hired -'"the bankrobber with the briefcase"- Bob Ackerman to sue the River Island Estates. Ackerman, sent a letter to my nephew vilifying me. Then forged my sister's signature, hired Scarlett Lee from Barnhart Associates to sell our fully paid condo, that was marketed it- "$150,000.00 in 1998" Now it worth "$350,000.000" it's on the Willamette River. 

We only got $42,000.00. It was Dave Frohnmayer who'd committed a fraud by forging my sister's signature, getting my Condo with the cheapest price. It was sold $62,000.00. Then, they listed with the realtor's, as it was sold $10,000.00 more $72,000.00 than actually was sold. 

HUD, ACLU, $PLC, OSB, NAACP, the previous A.G. Hardy Mayer, with the two senators Wyden, Smith, and Congressman DeFazio 

The criminal officials of Lane County are complicit with Frohnmayer! Frohnmayer is partner with Harrang law firm which is part of the County A.D. and the City attorney too! The previous A.D. trapped me in a criminal record for more than 10 years. Frohnmayer got me fired form my teaching job at the UO, blocked me from getting hired any where. in 2005 I was hired to teach at OSU. After only two weeks I was fired because one of the UO staff know about me working at Women Studies! 

We have lost the most honorable Decent A.G. John Kroger because of Frohnmayer!! 

We also need to hold Lane County government who are complicit with Dave Frohnmayer the previous A.G. Dave Frohnmayer has committed a crime of fraud with the help the bankrobber with a briefcase Bob Ackerman. Ackerman hired Scarlett Lee from Barnhart Associates to sell our fully paid Condominium that was put on lean. They forged my sister's signature, after Ackerman sent a letter to my nephew vilifying me!

In State of the Union, Obama Misleads on Foreign Policy -- News from

In State of the Union, Obama Misleads on Foreign Policy -- News from


9-11 Truth

Ken Doc Example..... just say you want to learn more about "Larry Silverstein"

Simply put "Silverstein" in search box and voila.....

You can even scroll back several years ago.

No Apology From Prosser Over Muslim Statements

No apology from Prosser over Muslim statements

The Perpetual War On Terrorism Ensures Presidents Will Be Increasingly Worse on Civil Liberties

The Perpetual War on Terrorism Ensures Presidents Will Be Increasingly Worse on Civil Liberties

OOOPS Woman Accidentally shot Husband in McDonalds after Dropping Gun special Bonus Gun Safety Video

Oops! Woman Accidentally Shoots Husband In McDonald’s After...

Feed Your Head W/ Ruthann Amarteiflio

Ruthann AmarteifioFeed Your Head w/ Ruthann Amarteifio
8 p.m. Central----Friday, Feb.15th
Nadia Sindi, FB Page---vote4nadiasindi---, talks of running for office in the US, the good, the bad, and the very ugly! Lessons learned and lessons shared. Thoughts on on International issues, also-------

Sunday, Feburary 16- 2013 International Purple Hijab Day

Saturday, February 16, 2013 International Purple Hijab Day

Pope Benedict XVI Makes History by Stepping Aside

Pope Benedict XVI Makes History by Stepping Aside

Support Filling Lawsuit against Sun Media by Laila

Click here to support Filing Lawsuit Against Sun Media by Laila...

Monday, February 11, 2013

It's time to end the flawed policy of U.S. ambiguity toward Israel's nuclear arsenal!

The NUMEC Cover-up: The Diversion of U.S. Weapons Grade Uranium from NUM...

A Second former LAPD officer releases a manifesto

A Second former LAPD officer releases a manifesto

The Great Catholic Coverup

Abuse Victims Ask Court to Prosecute The Vatican

Abuse Victims Ask Court to Prosecute the Vatican

Please Alert Others you know to these Resources, You can Order Ourt

Please alert others you know to these resources. You can order our...

Progressives Defend Obama Kill List

Midwest Muslim women have difficulty seeking help

Midwest Muslim women have difficulty seeking help

They Are Killing Us "MUST SEE"

Why Islam Billboards Spark Interest

 'Why Islam' billboards spark interest

In Photos: Farmers Rally For Israeli Agriculture Boycott in Gaza

In photos: Farmers rally for Israeli agriculture boycott in Gaza...

Israeli Occupation Continues to Falsify Al Aqsa's History

Israeli occupation continues to falsify al-Aqsa's history

Sunday, February 10, 2013

As Islam Grows US Imams in Short Supply

As Islam Grows, U.S. Imams In Short Supply : NPR

I'm hurting too: The Hurt of Militarized Authoritarianism in

I am hurting too: The hurt of militarized authoritarianism in...

Steak made from human poop passes taste test | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Steak made from human poop passes taste test | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Protests in Gaza and 40 European Cities Demand End to International Trade With Israeli Agribusiness

Courthouse News Service

Courthouse News Service

CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix

What Causes Sleep Paralysis?

What causes sleep paralysis?

Christopher Domer Investigation/ DOCUMENTS: Deposition, Legal

Christopher Dorner Investigation | DOCUMENTS: Deposition, Legal...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Video: CAIR News Update, February 8, 2013

New Round of “Anti-Jihad” Ads Headed to Metro

New Round of “Anti-Jihad” Ads Headed to Metro

More Marines Charged Over Corpse Urination Video - ABC News

More Marines Charged Over Corpse Urination Video - ABC News

More Marines Charged Over Corpse Urination Video - ABC News

More Marines Charged Over Corpse Urination Video - ABC News

Friday, February 8, 2013

Revealed: UK anti-Semitism watchdog charity helps lead Israel anti-boycott group

Revealed: UK anti-Semitism watchdog charity helps lead Israel anti-boycott group

Oregon Asian Celebration and Heritage Festival at Lane County Fairgrounds in Eugene, OR on Feb 16, 2013 -

I'll be having my Arabic Dessert Booth at the Oregon Asian Celebration and Heritage Festival at Lane County Fairground :) 

Please come to Nadia's Arabic Dessert ♥

Oregon Asian Celebration and Heritage Festival at Lane County Fairgrounds in Eugene, OR on Feb 16, 2013 -

The Screeching Kettle: A dangerous lie

The Screeching Kettle: A dangerous lie

"He Was The Agency": Ex-CIA Analyst Questions Brennan Claim He Couldn't Stop Waterboarding, Torture

"He Was The Agency": Ex-CIA Analyst Questions Brennan Claim He Couldn't Stop Waterboarding, Torture

Warren Ballentine indicate on Federal Mortgage Fraud Charges

Warren Ballentine indicted on federal mortgage fraud charges

CODEPINK Repeatedly Disrupts Brennan Hearing Calling Out Names of Civilians Killed in Drone Strikes

CODEPINK Repeatedly Disrupts Brennan Hearing Calling Out Names of Civilians Killed in Drone Strikes

Jeremy Scahill: Assassinations of U.S. Citizens Largely Ignored at Brennan CIA Hearing

Jeremy Scahill: Assassinations of U.S. Citizens Largely Ignored at Brennan CIA Hearing

U.S. Violation Human Rights of Children, Says U.N. Committee

U.S. Violating Human Rights of Children, Says U.N. Committee

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Carvan Serai Tours 3806 Whitman Ave. N Seattle, Washington 98103

Caravan-Serai Tours 3806 Whitman Ave. N Seattle, Washington 98103

Facing Intolerance, American Muslims Cope Creatively

Facing Intolerance, American Muslims Cope Creatively

Listen: EI’s Ali Abunimah on why partitioning Palestine will never lead to peace

Listen: EI's Ali Abunimah on why partitioning Palestine will never...


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Michigan GOP Would Force Women To Undergo Invasive Ultrasounds Before Getting An Abortion

Michigan GOP Would Force Women To Undergo Invasive Ultrasounds Before Getting An Abortion: pMichigan Republicans introduced a mandatory ultrasound bill this week with a carefully-worded clause that threatens to stir up controversy that first erupted during the height of last year’s “War on Women.” By stipulating that the ultrasounds must use the “most technologically advanced equipment on site,” Michigan lawmakers would require women seeking abortions to undergo an [...]/p

‘Iran will not stop support for Palestine’

‘Iran will not stop support for Palestine’

Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic Sparks Controversy

Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic Sparks Controversy

Sleep Paralysis

Daily Paul

Cancer - The Forbidden Cures

Cancer Doctor Burzynski's Case Dismissed!

Cancer Doctor Burzynski's Case Dismissed!

5 Alive Activism Blog

Death by brown skin

Death by brown skin

Sunshine Reduces Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sunshine Reduces Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Israel's Perpetual Terrorism

Israel's Perpetual Terrorism