Friday, February 27, 2015

Board of Trustees posts pre-redacted dockets for March 4-6 meetings. 02/27/2015

Board of Trustees posts pre-redacted dockets for March 4-6 meetings.
While these are much more complete than in the past, and while the Board has helpfully abandoned its previous strategy of holding meetings when the students are away on break, Secretary Angela Wilhelms has pre-redacted some of the most potentially interesting info from the agenda (docket) links, saying it’s not ready yet, or will be passed out in dead-tree format at the meeting. In the past she’s done this because she didn’t want the public (or some board members) to find out what’s going on until the last minute when it’s too late to react. From
Alexandra Wallachly has some info in an Emerald story here, and I’ll post more later. Meanwhile if you see – or don’t see – something interesting, please post a comment.
Presidential Factors Committee Meeting
March 4, 2015
Notice  |  Agenda  |  Minutes
Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting
March 4, 2015
Notice  |  Agenda  |  Minutes
Executive and Audit Committee Meeting
March 4, 2015
Notice  |  Agenda  |  Minutes
Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting
March 4, 2015
Notice  |  Agenda  |  Minutes
Meeting of the Board
March 5-6, 2015
Notice  |  Agenda  |  Minutes
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