Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Controversial Oregon Sex-Ed Conference Canceled by In the news Monday, March 9. 2015


Controversial Oregon Sex-Ed Conference Canceled

Controversial Oregon Sex-Ed Conference Canceled

Parents Rights in Educ_thb
Parents’ Rights in Education
Parents Rights in Education Scores a Victory!
In a letter dated March 7, 2015 the Oregon Teen Pregnancy Task Force (OTPTF) announced the cancellation of the controversial Seaside Adolescent Sexuality Conference (ASC), scheduled for April this year.
Parents’ Rights in Education (PRIE), a parent advocacy group founded in 2011, claims it a victory. Following the 2014 ASC, PRIE has repeatedly alerted media and others to inappropriate materials and content distributed to minors attending the conference. In response to PRIE reports, school district administrators and teachers, law enforcement officers, city officials, state legislators, and citizens expressed shock and demanded immediate action.
Event sponsors, Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) have consistently promoted questionable, unsafe behaviors for minors at taxpayer expense. Education agency executives including Rob Saxton, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, appear to be surprised. Parents and citizens are outraged to learn the conference encouraged anal and oral sex, mutual masturbation, sexting, pornography, sex toys, gender fluidity, and sexual experimentation.
ODE, OHA, and OTPTF are intentionally misleading parents, educators, and school boards by hiding behind terminology such as “healthy relationships”, “holistic sexuality,” and “safe and honest conversations”. This implies parents are unable or inept at having dialogue with their own children about sensitive subjects.
Oregonians expect excellence in education. Most troubling is the infiltration into our public schools by way of bullying local districts, misleading them to think they are required to comply. Local school boards have control of district schools and are responsible for education in their communities.
Just because the annual conference has been put on hold does not guarantee the agenda is dead. As stated in the aforementioned letter, “Our (OTPTF) mission continues to be focused on facilitating communication and awareness on all facets of healthy sexuality for youth in our community.”
The cancelation of the 2015 ASC, though a win, represents an agenda long in the making and is only the tip of the iceberg. ODE, OHA, and OTPTF must be held accountable and not allowed to usurp the rights of parents and local Oregon school districts. PRIE will continue to keep communities informed of the information and behaviors these “experts” want for your minor children.
For more information, please visit ParentsRightsinEd.net


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