Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Foundation releases IRS 990 showing assets, expenses, executive salaries 03/10/2015


Foundation releases IRS 990 showing assets, expenses, executive salaries

Not the UO Foundation. The OSU Foundation. Their helpful public records person sent me their 990 the day after I asked for it, here.
In comparison, as in past years, the University of Oregon Foundation seems determined to drag out the release of their IRS 990 non-profit reporting form until the last possible day – May 15. Their FY closed on June 30, and the report was due Nov 15. But they’ve applied for two consecutive 3-month extensions, meaning the data will be 10.5 months stale by the time it is public.
Why the delay? Perhaps they don’t want the public to learn more about their IAAF Championship bid, or the costs of their plan to develop the EWEB land. Or perhaps they’re just being shy about their executive salaries and expenses.
I emailed UO Foundation CEO Paul Weinhold and Compliance Officer Erica Funk last week, asking for the reasons for the delay, but they didn’t answer.
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