Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

EDITORIAL: Clark gets off lightly | But he’ll pay a price beyond the $500 fine

EDITORIAL: Clark gets off lightly | But he’ll pay a price beyond the $500 fine

Our criminal lawmakers are covering up for each other!!

Mayor Piercy with her cronies and their mouthpiece EW; trashed and treated me with imperialist contempt, as a sand N…! Cheating me every time I ran for public offices, by their criminal act of Voter Fraud!!

I ran 4 times for Public offices: First time for LCC Board in 2003 I got %48.8-I could have easily won this seat-!!! 2005 I ran for the 4J School Board I was the first candidate in the West Coast who introduced and promoted my candidacy by the Blog system.!
In 2008 I ran for the Lane County Commissioner Seat: Then in 2010 for Eugene City Council:
Mr. Clark won the seat by %80, what a joke!!!

I would have definitely won easily each time I ran! But thanks to our unscrupulous officials and their cronies for helping covering up Mr. Bob Ackerman and Margaret Hallock crimes of forging my sister’s signature & sold our Condo with the cheapest price!

CALC members parading me on my blog & website and calling me with racial slurs, and treating me as Sand N.

Yet, the Secretary of the State had dismissed all my complaints about the lawmakers’ voter fraud and being humiliated time and time again!

In 2008 for my Lane County candidacy seat, I’ve been kicked out of the designated area for the candidates, at the Fairground on the primary night!! The manager of the Fairground informed me that I was not welcome there! She escorted me out by putting her finger on my face. After, She’d told me that my name was not among the candidates in the list, she got from the Lane County Election office!!

Each time I file a complaint with BOLI, HUD, ACLU, OSB, NAACP, and SPLC…etc.. my complaint gets dismissed!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Councilor is fined $500 for late filing | Mike Clark says he “learned a valuable lesson” about financial disclosure reporting

Councilor is fined $500 for late filing | Mike Clark says he “learned a valuable lesson” about financial disclosure reporting

Our criminal lawmakers are covering for each other!! Mayor Piercy with her cronies and their mouthpeace EW trashed & treated me with imperialist contempt, calling me with all kinds of racial slurs! Cheating me every time I ran for public office by their criminal Voter Fraud!! CALC members parading me and calling Sand N.

Yet, the Secretary of the State Kate Brown dismissed all my complaints about the lawmakers voter fraud and being humiliated and kicked out of the designated area for the candidates on the primary for my candidacy of Lane County Commissioner N.Seat!!

Ending Islamophobia

Ending Islamophobia: pFollowing a six-month long investigative research project, the Center for American Progress released a 130-page report on Friday, which reveals that more than $42 million from seven foundations over the past decade have helped fan the flames of anti-Muslim hate in America. Titled “Fear, Inc.,” the report conclusively finds that there is a small, tightly [...]/p

Ending Islamophobia

Ending Islamophobia: pFollowing a six-month long investigative research project, the Center for American Progress released a 130-page report on Friday, which reveals that more than $42 million from seven foundations over the past decade have helped fan the flames of anti-Muslim hate in America. Titled “Fear, Inc.,” the report conclusively finds that there is a small, tightly [...]/p

Ending Islamophobia

Ending Islamophobia: pFollowing a six-month long investigative research project, the Center for American Progress released a 130-page report on Friday, which reveals that more than $42 million from seven foundations over the past decade have helped fan the flames of anti-Muslim hate in America. Titled “Fear, Inc.,” the report conclusively finds that there is a small, tightly [...]/p

Ending Islamophobia

Ending Islamophobia: pFollowing a six-month long investigative research project, the Center for American Progress released a 130-page report on Friday, which reveals that more than $42 million from seven foundations over the past decade have helped fan the flames of anti-Muslim hate in America. Titled “Fear, Inc.,” the report conclusively finds that there is a small, tightly [...]/p

Ending Islamophobia

Ending Islamophobia: pFollowing a six-month long investigative research project, the Center for American Progress released a 130-page report on Friday, which reveals that more than $42 million from seven foundations over the past decade have helped fan the flames of anti-Muslim hate in America. Titled “Fear, Inc.,” the report conclusively finds that there is a small, tightly [...]/p

The Invasion of Libya, planned before the Revolution,US-Congressman D.Ku...

live streaming from MAKKAH

'Before NATO intrusion, Libya was African Switzerland', NATO Crimes In L...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Colin Powell undecided on 2012 choice

August 28, 2011 Questions over Greg Mortenson's stories He has written

Powell Says Cheney Book Full of 'Cheap Shots' - Yochi J. Dreazen -

Powell Says Cheney Book Full of 'Cheap Shots' - Yochi J. Dreazen -

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ferreras attends Ramadan fast-breaking at Qns mosque

Suspect in Corvallis mosque firebombing will remain in jail, judge orders

Video: CAIR Calls NYPD-CIA Monitoring of Muslims 'Un-American and Possib...

Mike Thompson: Banning sharia law in Michigan?

Inside The Islamophobia Network

Jack Layton Appears on Lou Dobbs

BREAKING NEWS-RUSSIA STEPS IN- NATO NOT right to kill Gaddafi - YouTube.mp4

Fear, Incorporated: Who's paying for all that Islamophobic paranoia?

Jack Layton Appears on Lou Dobbs

Jack Layton Appears on Lou Dobbs

Report Reveals Underpinnings of Islamophobia in the U.S.

Report Reveals Underpinnings of Islamophobia in the U.S.

Inside The Islamophobia Network

The Future State of Palestine » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Future State of Palestine » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"In the 15 November 1988 Palestinian Declaration of Independence that was approved by the PNC representing all Palestinians all over the world, the Executive Committee of the PLO was set up as the Provisional Government for the State of Palestine—pursuant to my advice.

In addition, the Declaration of Independence also provides that all Palestinians living around the world automatically become citizens of the State of Palestine—pursuant to my advice. So the Executive Committee of the PLO in its capacity as the Provisional Government for the State of Palestine will continue to represent the interests of all Palestinians around the world when Palestine becomes a UN Member State.

Hence all rights will be preserved: for all Palestinians and for the PLO. No one will be disenfranchised. The PLO will not lose its status. This legal arrangement does not violate the Palestinian Charter, but was approved already by the PNC."

إعتراف إسرائيل بأنها وراء كل ما يحدت في ليبيا و سوريا

Karl Rove Burns Sarah Palin On Fox News, Then Fox Abruptly Cuts Rove Off

Thursday, August 25, 2011


It pays to be a rebel against zionism

Many of the most serious dangers facing Americans today stem from our "special relationship" with Israel.

At rally in Israel, Glenn Beck calls for courage

Expressions of outrage

Column One: Glenn Beck’s revealin... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Column One: Glenn Beck’s revealin... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons

Glenn Beck Embraces A Kahanist

Glenn Beck Embraces A Kahanist

Sharia law is a real threat to our liberties,0,764722.story

With CIA Help, New York Police Secretly Monitored Mosques, Muslim Communities Post-9/11

With CIA Help, New York Police Secretly Monitored Mosques, Muslim Communities Post-9/11

Conversion To Islam One Result Of Post-9/11 Curiosity

Muslim Council volunteer seeks to reach out, build support in community - The Frederick News-Post Online

Muslim Council volunteer seeks to reach out, build support in community - The Frederick News-Post Online

Video: Is a Coloring Book About 9/11 Anti-Islam? (CAIR-MI)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

9/11 Hearings in New York City

Boehner to Obama: If You Oppose China's One-Child Policy, Why Don't You Defund the UN's Population Control Program?

Boehner to Obama: If You Oppose China's One-Child Policy, Why Don't You Defund the UN's Population Control Program?

Monday, August 22, 2011

'Libyans will not allow a NATO takeover'

Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel (PL subs)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Arab League condemns Israel aggression on Gaza

Palestine News & Info Agency - WAFA - Prevention of Aggression on Gaza Less Costly than Dealing with its Effects, says Human Rights Center

Palestine News & Info Agency - WAFA - Prevention of Aggression on Gaza Less Costly than Dealing with its Effects, says Human Rights Center

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq [Paperback] Susan Lindauer (Author)

White House Terror Chief Alleges CIA 9/11 Malfeasance, Cover Up in New Interview: PBS Colorado's Exclusive Ignites Battle Among Bush Officials FOR IM

White House Terror Chief Alleges CIA 9/11 Malfeasance, Cover Up in New Interview: PBS Colorado's Exclusive Ignites Battle Among Bush Officials

August 11, 2011
Published at

Patrick Mac Manus , RIP .. By : Alaa Dahdouh

Friday, August 19, 2011

U.S. Muslims experiencing anxiety over roles - The Denver Post

U.S. Muslims experiencing anxiety over roles - The Denver Post

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ramadan Changed me Series - Third episode *Self evaluation*

Ramadan Changed me Series - Third episode *Self evaluation*

Ramadan Changed me Series - Second episode *Intention & action* -

Islamic Relief USA: Despite Sluggish Economy, American Muslims Give Generously to Drought Victims in East Africa

Video: Muslims Called 'Enemy' at Hearing on Minn. Islamic Center

Monday, August 15, 2011

Enrique Iglesias - Don't Turn Off The Lights

Midnight on the Mavi Marmara The Attack on the Gaza Fre

b c students with diabetes need help national association says

b c students with diabetes need help national association says

My Only Wish

ميم البرغوثي ... في القدس

Sunday, August 14, 2011

تميم البرغوثي ... في القدس

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Anti-Sharia Leader Yerushalmi Claims ‘I’ve Never Called For Discrimination Against Muslims’

Anti-Sharia Leader Yerushalmi Claims ‘I’ve Never Called For Discrimination Against Muslims’: "pOn July 30, the New York Times profiled David Yerushalmi, the man behind the anti-sharia movement, looking into the hysterical claims of the “creeping sharia” crowd, as well as Yerushalmi’s own history of inflammatory and bigoted statements. Yesterday, Yerushalmi responded in the American Thinker, accusing the writer Andrea Elliott of taking his words “out of [...]/p"

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Farrakhan Blasts the "Coalition of Demons" attacking Libya (June 15, 2011)

Politicks Group Sues Rick Scott to Prevent Pro-Islam, Anti-Evolution Bias in Public School Textbooks

Ramadan becomes an issue for Whole Foods After criticism, one of retailer's region

Brave Muslim Girl Takes A Stand at TDSB Friday Prayer Protest

Brave Muslim Girl Takes A Stand at TDSB Friday Prayer Protest



The Tent Protests in Israel: Can They Break Out of the Zionist/Security/Neo-Liberal Box?

The Tent Protests in Israel: Can They Break Out of the Zionist/Security/Neo-Liberal Box?

By Jeff Halper, ICAHD (Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions)
Published: Aug 09, 2011

Will Netenyahu return Israel to pre-1967 borders?

Will Netenyahu return Israel to pre-1967 borders?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday’s Letters to the Editor - Letters -

Sunday’s Letters to the Editor - Letters -

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Video: Seattle Muslim Says He Lost Job Over Beard (CAIR)

Today Friday, 8-5-11, I was driving to Trader Joes' around 6:30 pm I flowed by a bigoted white woman, who shouted at me Nigger. This is coming form our peace movement, CALC and the unscrupulous lawmakers who've been calling me this each time I ran for public office! There was a couple standing there witnessing the insult of racial slurs on my national origin!! I know the wife ran to catch her license plate number but she couldn't!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Singled out

Singled out

Springfield Police has hunted me by blatant Racial Profiling!
The officer showed up from a different direction off the highway, to terrorize, screamed, and almost struck me! Asking me more than 20 times who I was?

In May 10th-11, I had my court appointment to fight the citation that was giving to me by fraud! -The court date was supposed to be on March 17th-11. But I got a notification telling me “Due TO THE OFFICER BEING UNAVALABLE ON 3/17/11, YOUR COURT DATE HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE NEW DATE LISTED BELOW May 10, 2011”-

To my surprise, the Springfield police department had sent another officer to impersonate & pretended; that he was the officer who ticketed me back in Jan. 7-11. Officer Matt Bohman rewrote a new ticket by committing a crime of forgery and fraud.

Each time I file a complaint, Secretary of state, ACLU, NAACP, SPLC, HUD, BOLI, EEOC demise my complaint!

Obama to add 20,000 troops to US streets in the event of Civil unrest

Keith's Special Comment: The Four Great Hypocrisies of the Debt Deal

Joe Lieberman Says U.S. Should Cut Social Security To Pay For Fighting ‘The Islamist Extremists’

Joe Lieberman Says U.S. Should Cut Social Security To Pay For Fighting ‘The Islamist Extremists’: "pThis past April, right-wing war hawk John Bolton suggested during an interview on Fox News that the United States should cut Social Security and Medicare to finance the defense budget. During debate over the debt deal today on the Senate floor, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) appeared to endorse this call. Lieberman explained that he is [...]/p"

Video: Anti-Muslim Hate Promoted by Vocal Minority (CAIR)

Meet the Right-Wing Hatemongers Who Inspired the Norway Killer

The Greatness of Gov. Chris Christie: Attacks About Sharia Law Are "Baloney" | The National Interest Blog

The Greatness of Gov. Chris Christie: Attacks About Sharia Law Are "Baloney" | The National Interest Blog

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Video: FBI Asked Agents to Read Anti-Islam Books (CAIR)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Nazi Germany - A Creation of the Vatican and Jesuits

Why We Revel In Others' 'Humiliation'

Living in Eugene, as Arab American; is a taunting mission. I've run 4 four times for public offices. Each time; I was demonized, smeared, called by all kinds of racial slurs such as "Sand Nigger"; and cheated by vote Fraud. My name was on the ballot!

In 2008 for my County Commissioner seat candidacy. At the primary night, the Fair Ground Manager kicked me out from the designated area for the candidates! She escorted me out by telling me that my name was not among the candidates list that was sent by the Election’s office!

All these things happened by the lawmakers & under Mayor Piercy watch, and the unscrupulous lawmakers!

Mayor Piercy had totally ignored, treated me with disdained and humiliated me time & time again every time I ran for Public office!

In 2008 at the Fair Ground the primary night. I was one of the Candidates that were running for County Commissioner Seat. I was kicked out of the designated area for all the candidates then, the Manager escorted out, by telling me my name was not among the candidates that she got from the Lane County Election office~~

In 2008 my campaign for Lane county commissioner seat. I'd attended the Million Moms March for Mother's day; Mayor Piercy humiliated me by not acknowledged my existence as a candidate. All the candidates who were running for offices had been invited to speak before the audience. But only me who was sitting nest to her husband David Piercy with my Yard sign in my hand. Then, again in 2010, my last Campaign for the City Council office. I was very humiliated by her and the rest of the community!

One woman was sitting by me; She couldn't take it. She told me she was not going to march with them. She'd left before they started to march. I followed her too!

Three weeks ago I took my car to Honda's dealer to have my flat tire change. They charged me $17.50. I filed a complaint. Then I decided to talk the sale's person who sold me the car. All of a sudden the Service dept. Manager came to almost striking me yelling & screaming at me talking down telling me he did me a favor! The he kicked me out and ask me not to come all that right in the show room at the Honda'. I was shaking. Then, I asked to talk to the manager the second time finally the Manager came with the same man who humiliated me!

Again Paul was screaming at me again by telling me He didn't me a favor! I told him I've never asked him to do me a favor!

I had to send a package to D.C the clerk at the post office was making fun of me and then another customer was telling me that he's a Veteran and served this country. I've told him I'm an American. I have two members of my family had served in Iraq war. The clerk informed that I was not American; Since I was not born in this Country. I have three generations who were born in this country. My family came to the USA in the 50th.

Yesterday, I was walking to go to a hardware store when I was faced by a very hostile angry man who kept staring at me all the time!!

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview