Thursday, December 31, 2015

America Is Being Destroyed By Problems That Are Unaddressed    :  Information Clearing House - ICH

America Is Being Destroyed By Problems That Are Unaddressed    :  Information Clearing House - ICH

Olympic Decathlete Ashton Eaton to lobby legislature for sports subsidies 12/31/2015

“More than a whiff of scandal” around IAAF bid 12/31/2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Chip Kelly to return to UO? 12/30/2015

Advocates of 2021 world track meet in Eugene favor raising statewide hotel tax to pay for the event | Local | Eugene, Oregon

Advocates of 2021 world track meet in Eugene favor raising statewide hotel tax to pay for the event | Local | Eugene, Oregon

Oregon Bar won’t discipline Doug Park & Sam Hill over counseling records 12/30/2015

EcoNorthwest says Eugene will get $80M economic impact from IAAF 12/29/2015

Kate Brown, supposed transparency advocate, defends months-long public records run-around: Editorial

The Worst Islamophobia Of 2015 (VIDEO)

Juan Cole: 5 Reasons to Be Grateful for the Arabic Language - Juan Cole - Truthdig

Juan Cole: 5 Reasons to Be Grateful for the Arabic Language - Juan Cole - Truthdig

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

AMMON BUNDY & the People of Harney County Oregon

Neil deGrasse Tyson: How can there be a God with ‘an absence of benevolence’ in the universe?

Neil deGrasse Tyson: How can there be a God with ‘an absence of benevolence’ in the universe?

Stop asking me to condemn terrorists just because I’m Muslim I have no reason to say sorry, and Islamophobes won't believe me anyway.

Profs hire students to show how to cheat in an online class 12/29/2015

Talk Nation Radio: William Arkin on the Most Militarized Universities in the United States | Let's Try Democracy

Talk Nation Radio: William Arkin on the Most Militarized Universities in the United States | Let's Try Democracy

NJ Muslims to Trump : #RewriteTheNarrative

Monday, December 28, 2015

3 years after Mullens’s pee to play policy, schools ease pot penalties 12/28/2015

Big-time college football and rapes 12/28/2015

Donald Trump causes large spike in reputation of KKK as web site run by hate group is pressured to improve to deal with elevated visitors

Audit finds state public records system wanting

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Gabon’s kleptomaniacal President for Life Ali Bongo stiffs UO on $15M gift 12/27/2015

Enrollment plunges at Marylhurst University, as feuds, financial losses threaten recovery

NY Times calls for rebid on Lananna’s deal with IAAF for Eugene 2021 12/25/2015

MUST WATCH REPORT - Israeli army TORTURE footage is now made public

Saturday, December 26, 2015

A Message To Humanity!

These Popular Antidepressants May Lead To Bipolar Disorder

These Popular Antidepressants May Lead To Bipolar Disorder

Friday, December 25, 2015

Plea for Global Good: Rebid on 2021 World

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Duck coaches say “Bah, humbug” to state’s Charitable Fund Drive 12/24/2015

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Free Speech Not Allowed? Mall of America Can't Stop Black Lives Matter Rally over Jamar Clark Death

World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? - World Trade Center Explosions Described by the People Who Were There

World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? - World Trade Center Explosions Described by the People Who Were There

WTC 7 Evaluation Lab Video - July 1, 2015

Idaho woman fired for giving free lunch to hungry child

The Home Refinancing Plan Banks Don't Want You Knowing - See more at:

Homosexual George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress – Secrets of the Fed

Homosexual George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress – Secrets of the Fed

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Venezuelan Oil Servicing Magnate Arrested in US for Bribery - nsnbc international | nsnbc international

Venezuelan Oil Servicing Magnate Arrested in US for Bribery - nsnbc international | nsnbc international

"... we look to Europe with great hope because we lost hope in Israel"
Gideon Levy is a journalist for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, and is widely considered the “dean” of Israeli journalism. His columns about politics, money, how Israel's military occupation is changing Israeli society and about U.S.-Israel relations are widely read and discussed around the world.

Here's what happens when you hold up this sign in SF's Union Square for an hour

Editorial: Kansas' costly legal reviews thwart KORA |

Editorial: Kansas' costly legal reviews thwart KORA |

Monday, December 21, 2015

9-11/ ISRAEL DID IT!!!

Candidates Denounce Trump, But Many Plan to Attend Anti-Muslim Event Next Week

Gonald Trump

« Live-blog: The Bowl of Dicks comes back to Eugene – is UO insured? Yikes 12/21/2015

Live-blog: The Bowl of Dicks comes back to Eugene – is UO insured? 12/21/2015

Trump Supporter Arrested In Alleged Plot To Bomb Muslims

FBI Says 94% of Terrorist Attacks in the US Since 1980 Are by Non-Muslims

"However, according to the FBI, there have been more acts of terrorism on American soil perpetrated by Latinos and Jews than by Muslims."

Moreover, Europe has suffered over 1,000 terrorist attacks in the last five years, in which less than 2 percent of the criminals have been Muslims, according to the Huffington Post.

Muslims have killed less than 0.0002 percent of Americans killed since September 11, 2001, according to the “Muslim-American Terrorism in 2013” study conducted by the University of North Carolina.

“The United States suffered approximately 14,000 murders in 2013. Since 9/11, Muslim-American terrorism has claimed 37 lives in the United States, out of more than 190,000 murders during this period,” the same study noted."

How Portland Housed Homeless Vets In A City With No Vacancy . News | OPB

How Portland Housed Homeless Vets In A City With No Vacancy . News | OPB

Dual employment key to Vin Lananna’s success in bringing world track championship to Eugene | Local | Eugene, Oregon

Dual employment key to Vin Lananna’s success in bringing world track championship to Eugene | Local | Eugene, Oregon

Diane Dietz’s RG reports blow the Track Town / IAAF scandal wide open 12/20/2015

IAAF money man Paul Weinhold not part of Lananna’s team for RG meeting 12/19/2015

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Bernie Sanders calls Donald Trump ‘a pathological liar’

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Israeli Delegation Cancels US Visit: MP Denied Entry Over Terror Links

UC-Merced’s Chou Her takes job as UOPD Chief in waiting, challenges Stahl & Nicols to bike race 12/19/2015

Ducks squeeze students on mandatory ticket fees as football demand falls 12/19/2015

Friday, December 18, 2015

DOJ orders Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners to stop using fees and delays to hide public records 12/18/2015

co-VPAA Doug Blandy runs secret search for AVPAA 12/18/2015

Lananna, Weinhold, Lillis kept Coltrane in the dark about Track Town IAAF bid 12/17/2015

Thursday, December 17, 2015

White House Convening: Celebrating and Protecting America's Tradition of...

Berry Sommer!!!

Please check the comments that were left by the Islamophobic, hateful, racist Barry Sommer on the R.G. today regading the shooting in Roseburg Oregon!! Barry Sommer • "All of you are focusing on the unimportant point here. You focus on guns when the real tragedy is that this is most likely a jihad attack. Did you know Alex Skarlota, one of three American military on a train in France back in August who subdued a jihadi who was ready to try and murder over 500 people for Allah, was on UCC campus practicing for "Dancing with the Stars?" This is most likely revenge for that foiled jihad. If this is not jihad I will apologize for getting it wrong, but for now the signs point to Islam and jihad." Visit Barry Sommer's profile Barry Sommer "Ah, I see you are using Hamas-linked CIR as your credible source. Makes one wonder where your loyalties lie. Islamophobia, really now. That phrase was invented by the Muslim Brotherhood specifically to shut down any conversation seen as insulting, demeaning or questioning Islam or its texts and teachings, but facts don't matter to a rabid anti-semite and Jew hater such as yourself. There has never been a :Palestinian"people or a country called "Palestine" yet you continue to perpetuate the lie so as to have fuel for your hatred of Israel. FBI stats for 2013 show religious discrimination against Jews to be 6 times higher than against Muslims, thus reducing your claim of "Islamophobia" to so much smoke and mirrors. Nadia, just be quiet until you can speak the truth ins tead of spewing lies and hatred against Israel and Jews. Long live Israel! Down with Islam!" 12:41 a.m., Saturday Oct. 3 | Other comments by Barry Sommer

Islam Today Oregon Presents: This Is Islam: Jihad in Oregon: 13 dead at Umpqua Community Colle...: Jihad hits Oregon with tragic consequences. 13 dead, over 20 injured, some critically and so far, authorities say they have no motive. Le… Sommer has already declared the shooting to be Islamic Jihad on his group's website: He just makes up evidence, rationalizes to get the desired results. Sommer always does this, it is his m.o. Barry Sommer - president of local chapter of a hate group against Islam, has officially declared this was an act of Islamic Jihad terrorism, despite all the evidence to the contrary, such as shooter hated all organized religion. Sommer also claimed shooting took place in Roseburg as revenge for Roseburg being the home of the Train Hero. This is also false as shooter has lived in Roseburg for 2-3 years. Sommer has a one track mind and it runs off a cliff.

RG gives new publisher N. Christian Anderson the boot 12/17/2015

How Phil Knight names and de-names buildings on the Nike campus 12/17/2015

Parents Question Choice To Sing ‘Allahu Akbar’ At Holiday Concert « CBS Minnesota

Parents Question Choice To Sing ‘Allahu Akbar’ At Holiday Concert « CBS Minnesota

Police investigate alleged Muslim harassment - | Great Falls, Montana

Police investigate alleged Muslim harassment - | Great Falls, Montana

Michael Moore: WE ARE ALL MUSLIMS!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Dark Bible Women's Inferior Status

Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners uses fees and delays to hide public records 12/16/2015

Slavery by Another Name | PBS |

Local Muslims React To GOP Debate « CBS Chicago

Local Muslims React To GOP Debate « CBS Chicago

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Ehab Elyian Carry guns and let's end those Muslims!!!! Any Muslims, just Muslims, is this America!!
Such Islamophobia racism people are truly terrorists, no difference from ISIS (ideologically the supporters of ISIS), such people want to divide America because they don't believe in our constitution or we all ONE!!
They should be arrested, this is not a freedom of speech, this is the "act of terrorism" which create hate and chaos all over our country!

It's NOT only Sharia that punishs adultry by Death!!!

Thank you TherrightBstupit!!  "It's NOT only Sharia that has punishs adultery by death!!!" N.S

TherightBstupid: "The Bible prescribes that adultery should be punished by death.

If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)

To be noted that the Bible prescribes the death penalty for other evil activities such as:

Striking father or mother (Exo 21:15)

Cursing father or mother (Exo 21:17, Lev 20:9)

Disobeying a parent (Deu 21:18-21)

Harming pregnant woman (Exo 21:22,23)

Sorcery (Exo 22:18)

Bestiality (Exo 22:19, Lev 20:15,16)

Homosexuality (Lev 20:13)

Blaspheming the name of the Lord (Lev 24:16)

Worshipping false gods (Deu 13:6-10)

Prostitution (Deu 22:24) and others."

Ted Kopple has a Warning for Donald Trump and GOP!!

A Fascinating Look at the Political Views of Muslim Americans

"In an August 3, 2011 article titled "

A Fascinating Look at the Political Views of Muslim Americans:

"the Atlantic magazine reported: "An arm of the Gallup organization based in the United Arab Emirates has just published, in partnership with their U.S. based colleagues, the results of a major polling that compares the attitudes of Muslim Americans to Americans of other faiths. Its title is 'Examining U.S. Muslims' Political, Social, and Spiritual Engagement 10 Years After September 11,' and its most attention grabbing finding is the fact that Muslim Americans are more likely than Christians or Jews to believe that targeting and killing civilians is never justified, whether it is done by the military or an individual. Put another way, Christians and Jews are more comfortable with civilians being targeted and killed by a wide margin."

The report cited above revealed that in the U.S. 78% of Muslims but only 39% of Catholics, 38% of Protestants and 43% of Jews believe that it is never justified for the military to kill civilians. Only 21% of Muslims, but a clear majority of Catholics, Protestants and Jews, believe that it is “sometimes justified” to kill civilians.
When the poll replaced the military with “an individual person or a small group of persons” 89% of Muslims, 71% of both Catholics and Protestants and 75% of Jews said the killings were “never justified."

Grant Smith: How big is the Lobby and what does it do? An overview of th...

University president says unprepared professors should be shot 12/15/2015

Chip Kelly got $2M, Admins got junkets, Cliff Harris got concussions 12/15/2015

WHY Evangelists and khazars hate this video. Part I KHAZARS

Hundreds gather for dialogue on building community, rejecting anti-Muslim rhetoric

Hundreds gather for dialogue on building community, rejecting anti-Muslim rhetoric

City adopts resolution to support Muslim community

City adopts resolution to support Muslim community

Video: CAIR-NY Rep Say Donald Trump's Islamophobic Rhetoric Results in H...

Demand a safe home for the people in Syria - Take Action.

A Special Relationship The United States Is Teaming Up With Al Qaeda, Again By Andrew Cockburn

Monday, December 14, 2015

December 15th, UO Constitution Day 12/14/2015

Governor Kate Brown wants an Oregon public records advocate 12/14/2015

The Skanner News - Should UO Change Name of Hall Named After Pro-Slavery Founder?

The Skanner News - Should UO Change Name of Hall Named After Pro-Slavery Founder?

AGFrohnmayer'd mySS#blocked prevented me get employed

Donald Trump rails against immigrants in presidential campaign launch

Donald Trump rails against immigrants in presidential campaign launch

Fareed Zakaria

Paul Weinhold’s UO Foundation laundering money for Track Town / IAAF bid? 12/13/2015

Full Show 11/16/15: Dear Republicans, Stop Helping ISIS!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

CFP: Islamophobia: Has a tipping point been reached?

Full Show 11/16/15: Dear Republicans, Stop Helping ISIS!

BUSTED! 72 DHS Employees on Terrorist Watch List

Video: CAIR-Florida's Nezar Hamze Interviewed on Donald Trump's Muslim Ban

Video: CAIR-NY Board Member Discusses Donald Trump Muslim Ban Controversy

Video: CNN Reports on CAIR Data Showing Unprecedented Rise in Anti-Musli...

The most prominent Muslim elected official in America sees a ‘message of hope’ in Trump’s ‘weakness’

Video: CAIR Director Nihad Awad Discusses Rising Islamophobia with ABC's...

Why is Islamophobia worse now than just after 9/11? A researcher explains.

Neil Kantor: "The people SHOULD HAVE BEEN afraid of their own government… a coalition of US INSIDE JOBBERS along with the BRITISH, THE SAUDIS; and ISRAELI MOSSAD did 9/11 Until this is fully grasped by the population a great danger persists…add to that the US NATO creation of the ISIS threat to dangle a Boogey Man before the people, in order to justify continued WARS OF CONQUEST AND EMPIRE (Stealing Resources and destorying sovereign countries for the Expansion of Israel) you have the most dangerous time in the known history of Humanity…"

CNN Anchor Calls Out Jews as Terrorists

UO to rename Deady Hall for Dave Frohnmayer 12/11/2015

UO is as Racist as the criminal, pyschopath, thief, mental Dave Frohnmayer!

I don't know how's this  "How is that any improvement?"

"Yes, by all means let’s name a building after the President who sold us out time and time again to corporate entities and the rich. The current Board of Trustees and its know-it-all, we-don’t-need-no-crummy-advice-from-faculty/student/OA/classified-staff chairman are a direct consequence of DF’s actions. Next on their list: change Willamette Hall to Moseley Hall."

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Faculty object to use of secret Academic Analytics data in tenure decisions 12/11/2015

Here’s how far-right Christians incited stochastic terrorism at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood

Here’s how far-right Christians incited stochastic terrorism at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood

Abu Bakr Shahani Listen to the director of the God Father movies talk about the Quran

What motivates terrorists? | Opinion | Eugene, Oregon

What motivates terrorists? | Opinion | Eugene, Oregon

We’re all going to die! We’re all going to die ... of old age, heart disease, cancer, stroke, alcohol, tobacco, cars, guns of friends or family (or suicide). You’d have to live for tens of millennia before the risk of dying at the hands of a terrorist rises to any level of statistical concern. Unless maybe you happen to live in some parts of the Middle East.
But let’s not even think about that, and instead ask ourselves: Why do they hate us so much? What could cause people to travel thousands of miles to die in a blaze of glory, in order to kill a few of us? What did we ever do to them — I mean, besides occupying their lands, overthrowing their governments and killing their people for about the past 100 years (counting England, France and now the United States), simply for the oil ­under their sand?
Then I ask myself this: If some people in another country were to weekly or daily drop bombs on my mother’s home, my brother’s home, my family’s home, my town, my city — would I be mad about that? And if my country didn’t have a modern air force that could do the same to them, what would I do? Would I travel thousands of miles to their country, to die in a blaze of glory, in order to kill a few of them?

Friday, December 11, 2015

Jon Stewart’s shaming campaign gets McConnell to promise passage of 9/11 responders bill

Jon Stewart’s shaming campaign gets McConnell to promise passage of 9/11 responders bill

Muslim woman shot at and another nearly run off the road in Tampa after leaving mosques

Muslim woman shot at and another nearly run off the road in Tampa after leaving mosques

My life in Liberal Klans Oregon!! 

Arab/Muslim Americans are treated less than animals!

We are being prosecuted in a daily basis! High tech lynching, institutionally racism! Especially for Arab women!!

Oregon former late A.G. Dave Frohnmayer had my SS# blocked & prevented me from getting employed, made me homeless and jobless!

He was the one who started & initiated the fraud of taking over our homes!!

His bank robber Rep. Bob Ackerman hired Scarlet Lee/Barnhart Associated, forged my family's signature, sold our fully paid Condo, without my signature!!

Bob Ackerman had never responded to the Summon from the Court, and the sheriff never served him or arrested him either!!

ThIs is what kind of criminal government we have in Oregon!!

I ran five times for public offices! Voter Fraud & Sedition by Lane County government to protect & cover up for the two criminals Frohnmayer & Ackerman!!

Oregon government is complicit with their crimes!!

Please sign petition.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Oregon Bach Festival to name new exec director 12/10/2015

Why students foot the bill for college sports, and how some are fighting back

U.S. Muslims tell their stories through #MuslimAmericanFaces

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Black student demands, SCOTUS case on racial preferences, football 12/08/2015

UO hires Barran Liebman to defend against Morlock retaliation claim 12/08/2015

Public Records Office will slash costs of transparency using Cognos 12/09/2015

French probe Eugene 2021 World Championships decision by IAAF

Costs of corruption fall as top Oregonian political reporters leave 12/09/2015

My life in Liberal Klans Oregon!!  Arab/Muslim Americans are treated less than animals! We are being prosecuted in a daily basis! High tech lynching, institutionally racism! Especially for Arab women!! Oregon former late A.G. Dave Frohnmayer had my SS# blocked & prevented me from getting employed, made me homeless and jobless! He was the one who started & initiated the fraud of taking over our homes!! His bank robber Rep. Bob Ackerman hired Scarlet Lee/Barnhart Associated, forged my family's signature, sold our fully paid Condo, without my signature!! Bob Ackerman had never responded to the Summon from the Court, and the sheriff never served him or arrested him either!! ThIs is what kind of criminal government we have in Oregon!! I ran five times for public offices! Voter Fraud & Sedition by Lane County government to protect & cover up for the two criminals Frohnmayer & Ackerman!! Oregon government is complicit with their crimes!! Please sign petition.

Nike campus expansion hits $380 million, exceeds final state goal Dec 9, 2015, 3:20pm PST Updated Dec 9, 2015, 5:18pm PST

French prosecutors probe Lananna / Diack deal for Eugene’s 2021 IAAF championships 12/09/2015

What Do Campus Protesters Really Want?

Pearl Harbor Day and the Fantasy of US Victimhood | Opinion | teleSUR English

Pearl Harbor Day and the Fantasy of US Victimhood | Opinion | teleSUR English

Video: CAIR-DFW Director Alia Salem Discusses Anti-Muslim Backlash on AB...

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

White House says Donald Trump has disqualified himself from presidency

‘Trump Is White ISIS’: Daily Show Unloads on ‘Racist Maniac’ Trump

Dear Muslims

This Map DESTROYS the Lie That Most Mass Shootings Are By Muslims

« UO gives up public records for Lego model of Autzen, stalls other docs UO claims Vin Lananna is faculty, won’t release NCAA income report 12/08/2015

UO gives up public records for Lego model of Autzen, stalls other docs 12/07/2015


National Whistleblowers Center

National Whistleblowers Center

Netanyahu Unaware of the Camera 'America can easily be moved'

Loretta Lynch is Condoleeza Rice With A Law Degree | Black Agenda Report

Loretta Lynch is Condoleeza Rice With A Law Degree | Black Agenda Report

Monday, December 7, 2015

MoveOn response to Donald Trump’s fascist remarks | MoveOn.Org | Democracy In Action

MoveOn response to Donald Trump’s fascist remarks | MoveOn.Org | Democracy In Action

Mullens, Lananna, Lorraine Davis get free Jock Box parking 12/06/2015

This year’s Johnson Hall junket: The Alamo Bowl 12/06/2015

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Video: President Obama's Oval Office Statement Rejecting Islamophobia

YouTube: Calif

Junaid Javed CAIR look into the family pictures of the shooter at 18:00 in the video.
if the shooter was a devout Muslim or even a muslim why would he have all Hindus in his family pictures ?
it seems like his entire family was hindu just look into his family pictures that were taken by the media from his own house.

>>family pictures of the shooters show women wearing holly thread(necklace} around their necks it's called "mangal sutthar" it's a hindu thing.
>>it also shows hindu women wearing a a mark on their forehead between eyebrows called bindiya is again a hindu thing.
>>it also shows women wearing the saree which is also hindu women traditional dress.

you should ask his sister and brother in law the same questions they all need to be investigated nothing seems real.

What's Really Behind Mandatory Vaccines?

FBI calls San Bernardino mass shooting a terrorist attack - World Socialist Web Site

FBI calls San Bernardino mass shooting a terrorist attack - World Socialist Web Site

Senator David Norris Rips Israel Apart In Ireland's Parliament!! MUST SEE!!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

San bernardino Massive Shooting EXPOSED False Flag

Junaid Javed: CAIR you should investigate this.who ever is behind this must be exposed once and for all.if this guy is telling the truth then his life is in danger too.this guy was asked if he wanted to play a role in it.

WATCH: "The Assassination of Fred Hampton: How the FBI and Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther"

The Least Thing: More COI: Nike and the IAAF Ethics Commission

The Least Thing: More COI: Nike and the IAAF Ethics Commission: Much attention has been paid to the relationship that Sebastian Coe, president of the IAAF, has had with Nike and the conflict of interest...

US President LBJ Ordered USS Liberty Sunk as Pretext for War

Israel's Assault on the U.S.S. Liberty with James Ennis

Friday, December 4, 2015

Shocking video shows power tripping cop shoving his gun into innocent black man’s face

Shocking video shows power tripping cop shoving his gun into innocent black man’s face

If you are an Arab or Muslim don't ever call the Poilce to report an incident of hatecrimes!!

I called the EPD today. The officer who came to take a report was interrogating me, instead of taking the report!!!

I was so surprised that this is the first time I see the officer trun his video to record it it!!

"I have some doubts Nadia Sindi • 10 hours ago
"Would I rent to you a noir colored SUV?
Probably naught if you signed a contract in the name of Tashfeen Malik, wife under Sharia Law dreadnaught, Syed Rizwan Farook, living out an American dream in the left wing realm of Cauliflower comitias left wing stigmata."

I was so surprised that this is the first time I see the officer trun his video to record it it!!

Regarding EPD Officers!!

If you are an Arab or Muslim don't ever call the Poilce to report an incident of hatecrimes!!

I called the EPD today. The officer who came to take a report was interrogating me, instead of taking the report!!!

I was so surprised that this is the first time I see the officer trun his video to record it it!!

"I have some doubts Nadia Sindi • 10 hours ago
"Would I rent to you a noir colored SUV?
Probably naught if you signed a contract in the name of Tashfeen Malik, wife under Sharia Law dreadnaught, Syed Rizwan Farook, living out an American dream in the left wing realm of Cauliflower comitias left wing stigmata."

I was so surprised that this is the first time I see the officer trun his video to record it it!!

When Recruiting Minority Faculty Members Isn't Enough By Audrey Williams June DECEMBER 04, 2015

Minister Farrakhan Totally Rips Mike Wallace on 60 min «QC'z/AR»

Icelanders Overthrow Government And Rewrite Constitution After Banking Fraud - No Word From US Media

Icelanders Overthrow Government And Rewrite Constitution After Banking Fraud - No Word From US Media

My life in Liberal Klans Oregon!! 

Arab/Muslim Americans are treated less than animals!

We are being prosecuted in a daily basis! High tech lynching, institutionally racism! Especially for Arab women!!

Oregon former late A.G. Dave Frohnmayer had my SS# blocked & prevented me from getting employed, made me homeless and jobless!

He was the one who started & initiated the fraud of taking over our homes!!

His bank robber Rep. Bob Ackerman hired Scarlet Lee/Barnhart Associated, forged my family's signature, sold our fully paid Condo, without my signature!!

Bob Ackerman had never responded to the Summon from the Court, and the sheriff never served him or arrested him either!!

ThIs is what kind of criminal government we have in Oregon!!

I ran five times for public offices! Voter Fraud & Sedition by Lane County government to protect & cover up for the two criminals Frohnmayer & Ackerman!!

Oregon government is complicit with their crimes!!

Please sign petition.

« Should UO rename Judge Deady Hall? Student Trustee in court for sleeping it off during lecture 12/04/2015

Should UO rename Judge Deady Hall? 12/04/2015

UO trustees hear impassioned plea to retain Deady name on campus building | Local | Eugene, Oregon

UO trustees hear impassioned plea to retain Deady name on campus building | Local | Eugene, Oregon

MSNBC takes viewers on tour of California terrorists' apartment

Thursday, December 3, 2015

5h5 hours ago Greatest public records request ever filed at the U of O?

Swiss cops bust more FIFA officials on bribery charges 12/03/2015

Dec 3 UO Board meeting live-blog 12/03/2015

Board shops NIke offer, gets extra cash from apparel deal 12/03/2015

UO Foundation acquires TreeTops mansion, and $26K tax bill 12/02/2015

University of Oregon trustees consider tough questions on rape prevention | Local | Eugene, Oregon

University of Oregon trustees consider tough questions on rape prevention | Local | Eugene, Oregon

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Geraldo's Crisis Actor Daughter In Paris Bombing Hoax Exposed (Redsilverj)

Paris False Flag: Bataclan Eyewitness Hoax Actor Ginnie Watson

Here's a map of all the mass shootings in 2015 | PBS NewsHour

Here's a map of all the mass shootings in 2015 | PBS NewsHour

UO Board to meet Dec 2, 3. I’ll do some live blogging. 12/01/2015

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

“Attack his strength”: The only way Republicans can stop Donald Trump

“Attack his strength”: The only way Republicans can stop Donald Trump

White killers go to Burger King: Race, Planned Parenthood and our diseased white privilege

White killers go to Burger King: Race, Planned Parenthood and our diseased white privilege

The Msonic Jewish Central Banking Cartel is Responsible for this Terror!!

11/20/15 - "The Masonic Jewish central banking cartel is responsible for this terror. Their agenda is to distract us from them, our real enemy. Ever since 9-11, they have been trying to get Muslims and Christians to kill each other. It’s their MO. It’s why they start wars. To kill the goyim. Are the goyim as stupid as the bankers think? They sponsor terror as a pretext to create a police state. Yet people who should know better spew anti-Muslim venom. For example, I respect Dr. Eowyn at Fellowship of the Minds and Ron at Saboteur 365. I often tweet their articles. I agree that whites should not become a minority in their own countries. But I don’t understand their constant anti Muslim sentiment."

Around the O publishes informative article 12/01/2015

Legislature pushes back against Board secrecy, closed meetings, 40-40-20 goals 12/01/2015

Senate meets 3-4:30PM Wed in Browsing Room, then BOT reception 12/01/2015